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== Known issues ==
*Freeze [[Mood Code]] of current RMIMs to EVN (currently ANY mood). On 20050109 MnM (for different reasons) confirmed this: ''Motion that for all trigger events the classCode shall be CACT, the moodCode shall be EVN, and negationInd will not be present.  This does not constrain classCode or moodCode of ControlActs that are the subject of the trigger event. Woody/Lee (12:0:6).''
*Use-case for nullification of [[controlAct]], add status to controlAct ?
*Improve documentation when multiple payloads can be used in combination with 1 control act. Note that if multiple payloads are used in an interaction which has [[Receiver Responsibilities]] then there is a related open issue: interactions have 1 DetrectedIssue class. What if one of the pyalodas of the originating interaction is problematic, but the others are fine ? Should the intire interaction be rejected ?
*The detectedIssue CMET should be moved to the CMET domain, and not be defined locally in MCAI Pharmacy has a use-case for a message that shows all controlActs(+detectedIssue) related to a single order. This can be implemented today as a shared message. If implemented as a wrapper this would require that the tools support stubs with exit points. (This is INM Action item 33)
*Add to D-MIM walkthru: use 2.16.840.1.113883.1.18 as the codeSystem OID for the TriggerEvent attribute.
*MnM (and at a later point in time Michael van Campen) has advised that we change contextConduction in the subject act-relationship between the ControlAct wrapper and the payload Act. In most state transitions, the author, reason, data enterer, effective time, etc. of the controlAct are usually different from the focal class.  The most common exception to this is the transition from “null” to “active”. MnM 20050109: ''Motion that we recommend to INM that contextConduction for ControlAct be allowed to be “true” when the data is the same.  We would ask that INM ask committees to recommend specific circumstances when it be sent to true.  We will also ask the Implementation Committee for their opinion on this matter. Craig/Lee (10:3:5)''
*Combine event-replay specialization of the controlAct wrapper with proposal 968 (NHS style [[controlAct level batching]]) ? Both require 2 levels of controlActs before ending up at the payload model.
*FM (Kathleen Connor) have announced they will bring forward a proposal to include the sequenceNumber attribute in the subject act-association between the control act and the payload. Issue deferred until receipt of proposal.
*Make mandatory ?. 
**It is currently an optional attribute. The ControlAct is the key thing in every message, so for it to not be identified makes little sense. We can set an expectation that responses to requests must echo back the This makes good modeling sense.  What you're responding to is not the payload, but the request about the payload.  If I send you 20 request for modification messages, and your response just includes the id of the thing to be modified (which is contained in the payload of the application response), I have no idea which request you're responding to. If you send me the, I know *exactly* what you're responding to. I might not have a or an, but I will always have a, and that id will be unique to the request.
**Using is a little better than, because is probably an end-to-end concept, whereas is peer-to-peer (or hop-to-hop).
*Deprecate query response mode after [[MCCI R2]] has been published
*Add fuzzy search parameter description
** Names - work with PA TC, proposal 926.
** Codes: can one use a "*" code if the query contains a coded value parameter, and one wants to convey that the serach is for ''any code contained in a specified codeSystem''. This as a generilzed version of a query for 1 specific code in a specified codeSystem.
*Add to QUQI the following statement: UNLESS it has been defined otherwise by the comittee, the following rules apply when it comes to query parameters:
**between instances of parameterItem classes: AND
**between multiple values in the value attribute of a single parameterItem: OR.
*Use of nullFlavors in queryParameter classes. Does the use of a nullFlavor "UNK" identify that the value is unknown, and that the receiver should match it with any value it may have, or should "UNK" be interpreted as "known to be unknown" and match only with a nullFlavor as stored at the receivers end ?
**The Dutch use-case behind this is related to a mandatory birthTime paremeter in a query, and the fact that there are persons where both the sender of the query as well as the responding system know that a person has no known birthdate.
*Change queryByParameter class and queryId.attribute to mandatory in QUQI RMIMs. This has already been voted upon by INM.
*Query continuation interaction has MT 000300 (which includes a mandatory Message-Acknowledgement class) as its [[Transmission Wrapper]]. Shouldn't this be the 000100 wrapper ?
*When one queries for max. 10 Matching Classes (MC), these could end up being reported in the form of (both extremes) 1 message with 10 payloads, or 10 messages with 1 payload. Is there a rule on how this should be done ? Is the querying system able to influence this ?
*Add a new RIM class (associated with QueryByParemeter, akin to sortControl) to allow the sender of a query to specify what parts of the response model it would like to receive. See [[Query Parameters]] for details, and a summary of discussion on the e-mail list.
*Document statusCode usage in QueryByParameter class and QueryAck class, the attribute statusCode - in both cases - uses QueryStatusCode Vocab domain.
Control Acts in [[Domain Payload]]s
*Use of control acts in [[EVN Mood]] for change tracking or auditing purposes.
**Proposal 965 (HL7 Canada): the creation of a new cmet, based upon the MasterFile Control Act Wrapper, MFMI_RM700700, for use in payloads.
*Nullification of control acts. Lloyd Mckenzie has brought forward a proposal (proposal 963) related to this to INM. The principles behind the proposal are being discussed by MnM, INM will await a recommendation from MnM before deciding how to move forward.
== Business-Level Receiver Resonsibilities ==
The question pharmacy and lab are faced with seems to boil down to this example use-case: how do I send (1) "here's an order, please perfom" v. (2) "FYI: here's an order, please keep on record, do not perform".
*Let's assume the receiver responsabilities (from a pure communications standpoint) are the same, and that both interactions (1) and (2) are notifications that DO NOT have receiver responsabilities. (i.e. no application-level accepts or rejects)
*In that case interaction (1) has the same structure, trigger event, and (communication-level) receiver responsabilities as interaction (2). So currently in v3 modeling terms they are exactly the same.
*So we have a use-case for wishing to explicitely include some of the "business level receiver responsabilities" of the receiver into the interaction, e.g. "this is an order I want you to act upon" v. "FYI, do nothing".
(Tom de Jong): The example use-case states that the interactions do not have receiver responsibilities, but that's not entirely true. [[Receiver Responsibilities]] have two (potential) elements:
#the required response interactions (communication responsibilities) and/or
#the required resulting trigger events (processing responsibilities). Of course the trigger event and the interaction will often go hand in hand, but in this example we assumed there were no communication responsibilities.
So the first question is: can the difference between the two interactions be determined by the fact that one will result in a trigger at the receiver (the request for fulfilment) and the other will not (the notification)? So in this example, without a response interaction, what is the resulting trigger event (so, on the receiver side) for the fulfilment request?
(Rene) One of the problems when discussing this is that the definition of [[Receiver Responsibilities]] has never been formally agreed upon. There is a working definition, but it contains a definition of [[Trigger Event]] that is purely communication oriented, not business process oriented.
(Lloyd)We need to discuss within MnM whether introducing a level of standardization above the existing level of "receiver responsibilities" is desirable.  Effectively what we'd be doing is defining part of the 'internal' state machine of the various application roles and showing how a complete flow might occur. This gets into the area of application behavior, which is an area where HL7 has traditionally tread very lightly. (Rene) This additional level is currently labeled [[Interaction Pattern]] on this Wiki.

Latest revision as of 08:08, 28 January 2007

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