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October 14th 2008 Security Conference Call

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 22:49, 14 October 2008 by Suzannegw (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda)
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  1. (05 min) Welcome and Introductions
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) Security-CBCC Joint Project Introduction and Review
  • Introduction to Project Scope [[1]]
  • Introduction to current draft work, mapping of SNOMED vocabulary to current RBAC Permission catalog objects [[2]] SNOMED CT Mapping to HL7 RBAC Permission Catalog
  • Presentation of Security and Authorization diagram [[3]]
  1. (15 min) Deliverable(s) and Timeline

currently identified:

  • Update to current Project Scope [[4]]
  • HL7 RBAC Permission Catalog [[5]]
  • Constraint Catalog(s) to include Privacy and Consent, Patient, Clinical realms
  1. (15 min) Decision Making Practices not covered, pushed to next meeting (find document and add link here)
  2. (05 min) Other Business

To Do:

  • Project Scope - Review and tighten scope statement, constraining the scope (Glen, Suzanne)
  • Identify/introduce vocabularies as reference

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