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* v2.x Methodology - Healthcare Devices and ISO 11073
* FHIR Workflow
* FHIR Workflow
** Related trackers:
** Related trackers:

Revision as of 19:30, 1 September 2017


  • business icon - business
  • ballot reconciliation icon - ballot reconciliation
  • technical icon - technical
  • / = joint session
  • + = session with representatives of

Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Monday Sept 10 AM Q1
  • Plenary - No meeting
  • Plenary - No Meeting
PM Q3 technical icon OO
  • Project Insight Updates
  • Agenda review
  • Specimen DAM Ballot Reconciliation
Available Chairs: Lorraine
Q4 technical icon FHIR/OO/InM/MnM
  • v2.x Methodology - Healthcare Devices and ISO 11073
  • FHIR Workflow
    • Related trackers:
      • 11217 Thoughts+on+combining+SupplyRequest%2C+DeviceUseRequest+and+VisionPrescription+-+2016-09+core+%23371 (Riki Merrick) Considered for Future Use
    • Consideration of creation of administration and dispense patterns

Struc Doc

  • Service Catalog
Available Chairs: Lorraine
Tuesday Sept 11 AM Q1 business icon

technical icon


FHIR Trackers

  • (continued if needed) 11217 Thoughts+on+combining+SupplyRequest%2C+DeviceUseRequest+and+VisionPrescription+-+2016-09+core+%23371 (Riki Merrick) Considered for Future Use
  • 11963 Consistency+in+DiagnosticReport+and+Observation+Category+-+2016-09+daf+%2350 (Hans Buitendijk) Considered for Future Use
Available Chairs: Lorraine, Patrick
Q2 technical icon OO/PHER + Rx + RCRIM + FHIR + HCD
  • UDI DAM Ballot recon
  • CDC C-CDA PSS (focus on Micro-Biology)
  • Nutrition FHIR Trackers (Time Permitting)
    • 13475 NutritionOrder materials used or needed to perform the order
Available Chairs: Patrick
PM Q3 technical icon OO
  • UDI DAM Ballot recon (continued)
  • Nutrition FHIR Trackers (Time Permitting)
    • 13475 NutritionOrder materials used or needed to perform the order
Available Chairs: Patrick
Q4 technical icon OO
  • FHIR Catalog
  • LIVD FHIR Project
Available Chairs: Lorraine, Patrick
Wednesday Sept 13 AM Q1 technical icon OO

FHIR Trackers:

  • (continued if needed)11217 Thoughts+on+combining+SupplyRequest%2C+DeviceUseRequest+and+VisionPrescription+-+2016-09+core+%23371 (Riki Merrick) Considered for Future Use
  • (continued if needed)11963 Consistency+in+DiagnosticReport+and+Observation+Category+-+2016-09+daf+%2350 (Hans Buitendijk) Considered for Future Use
  • 13754 clarify+the+boundaries+for+.description (Eric Haas) None
  • 10118 review+.related.type+codes (Eric Haas) None
  • (time permitting )12752 ReferralRequest.type+and+reason+alignment+with+v2 (Michele Mottini) None
  • (time permitting)13573 Heart+rate+UCUM+should+be+%7Bbeats%7D%2Fmin (Alexander Henket) Not Persuasive
Available Chairs: Patrick (possibly)
Q2 technical icon 'OO/II/CG/BRIDG
  • WG updates
  • Follow up on FHIR Media resource issues and adoption by OO or II
  • Specimen definition review (Claude, Lorraine or Francois)
  • Specimen DAM reconciliation (time permitting)
Available Chairs: Lorraine, Patrick (possibly)
PM Q3 technical icon PC/OO/FHIR
Boundaries between ProcedureRequest/Procedure vs MedicationRequest/MedicationAdministration
for blood transfusions and radiation (i.e. anything with a dose, but isn't a medication)

Do we need a new resource for BiologicallyDerivedProduct? Boundaries between Specimen / Device / Medication boundaries

Related Zulip discussions:

Related trackers:

  • GF#13047 (request to add DosageInstructions to Procedure)
  • GF#12993 (request for a new Administration resource)
  • GF#8458 (request asking for a new BiologicallyDerivedProduct resource)
  • TBD PC / OO FHIR Procedure request instructions
    • Related trackers:
      • 12966 ProcedureRequest+-+add+DosageInstructions+or+Quantity (Jamie Hignite) None
Available Chairs: Lorraine, Patrick
Q4 ballot reconciliation icon OO

FHIR Trackers

  • (continued if needed)12966 ProcedureRequest+-+add+DosageInstructions+or+Quantity (Jamie Hignite) None
  • (continued if needed) 12752 ReferralRequest.type+and+reason+alignment+with+v2 (Michele Mottini) None
  • (continued if needed) 13573 Heart+rate+UCUM+should+be+%7Bbeats%7D%2Fmin (Alexander Henket) Not Persuasive
Available Chairs: Ken, Patrick
Thursday Sept 14 AM Q1 technical icon OO/Templates + Pt Care + Clinical Decision Support
  • Chapter 11/12 update
  • CS/Templates/PC/CDS
  • WG updates
  • Ordering Service Update

HCD Joint with FHIR

  • Terminology for Vital Signs - LOINC / 11073
  • Related tracker:
    • 13652 Observation+requires+Vital+Signs+Profile+support+which+requires+LOINC%2C+which+is+too+strict (None) Not Persuasive In Person


  • Handling of ROL vs PRT with PA
Available Chairs: Lorraine, ?
Q2 technical icon OO/FHIR
  • FHIR Planning
    • LIVD Update
    • Media v Observation + ValueAttachment update
    • New Resource/Profiles Proposals
    • FHIR Tracker:
      • 12913 Create+a+profile+for+%22Patient+characteristics%22 (Lloyd McKenzie) None
    • Follow up on Device instance vs kind dicussion in Madrid
    • Heads up on DeviceRequest/DeviceUseStatement/DeviceDispense pattern

Available Chairs: Lorraine, ?

PM Q3 technical icon CS/OO + Pt Care
  • CS Project Status and Administrivia
  • FHIR Trackers (Time Permitting)
    • 10118 review+.related.type+codes (Eric Haas) None
Available Chairs:
Q4 technical icon OO
  • CIMI to join OO to discuss models of common concern (Vital Signs/ Lab)
Available Chairs: Patrick
Friday Sept 15 AM Q1 technical icon OO
  • V2.9 Ballot Reconciliation (Quorum Permitting)
Available Chairs:
Q2 technical icon OO
Available Chairs:
Available Chairs:
Available Chairs: