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OO CR167-819 MFI-3 Note

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Revision as of 02:59, 18 September 2014 by Riki merrick (talk | contribs)
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Submitted by: Freida Hall Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: September 10, 2014 Change request ID:
Standard/IG: Standard Artifact ID, Name: |-


See V2 Proposal Database #819 for problem definition and proposal: [1] -or- See File:MFI-3 Note.docx for problem definition and proposal.

This proposal adds back MFI-3 Field note lost between V2.6 and V2.7.




Recommended Action Items


9/11/2014: Between v2.6 and v2.7 a note about table used in MFI-3 got lost – so add Note back in for v2.8.2 – Freida Hall, Riki Merrick – Further discussion: Austin: In addition do pursue errata for the other editions – amend motion to include errata approach, no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 0, in favor: 21