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OO CR084 - SPM-21 Usage

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Submitted by: David Burgess Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: Mar-2012 Change request ID: OO CR084
Standard/IG: Standard Artifact ID, Name: <<Artifact ID, Name>>


"Future will be RE for Sender"


"Future may be RE for Sender"



  • 12-Jul-2012 - We could not complete this item in time. Motion to consider this for future use. Bob Yencha, Ken McCaslin

Recommended Action Items

  • 24-Jul-2012 - Agreed to have the Pilot workgroup (including Megan of CDC) look at this issue, inclusive of the PID/other CLIA requirements. This will feed into LOI (DSTU) and LRI (Normative). Bob Dieterle to drive.


  • update from Bob Dieterle 23 August 2012
    • Beleive that this field is important to be compliant with CLIA requirements based on notification to the ordering provider regarding issues with why a specimen was rejected
    • Work to update the table to make sure it has all the reject reasons that labs need to message - will submit an update to table 0490 to HL7
    • Will work with NIST regarding the visual presentation is part of the juror document requirement
    • Intend to change will to may regarding the future, will stay with will in the notes to the implementators regarding future direction for SPM-21 (page 84).
      • Motion that this is not persuasive will leave the state as will. Riki Merrick, second Bob Dieterle. Against: 0, Abstain: 3, in favor: 5