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(Approved by MnM 2018-09-11)
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*Active members with strong knowledge of Methodology and its foundations
*Active members with strong knowledge of V3 and FHIR Methodology and its foundations
*Active members with a passion for a functional methodology
*Active members with a passion for a functional methodology
*Solid foundation in RIM and Methodology
*Solid foundation in RIM and Methodology
*The HL7 membership trusts the work group to lead
*Responsibility for FHIR methodology and data types ensures ongoing relevance
*Core members have other primary interests and/or responsibilities within HL7
*Core members have other primary interests and/or responsibilities within HL7
*Difficulty getting all (or even most) facilitators together to form true consensus
*Difficulty getting all (or even most) facilitators (and sometimes even co-chairs) together to form true consensus
*Lack of bandwidth to train new participants and Facilitators
*Lack of bandwidth to train new participants and Facilitators
*Lack of new participants to pass on the methodology
*Lack of new participants to pass on the methodology
*Difficult to track, monitor and maintain active communication with the organizations breadth of Work Groups and projects
*Difficult to track, monitor and maintain active communication with the organizations breadth of Work Groups and projects
*V3 interest has faded to almost nothing
*Chance to improve collaboration with Vocabulary, SOA and Structured Documents
*Potential to work on RIM as an ontology or other RIM migration
*Chance to re-think and refactor artifacts and methodology as part of SAIF and FHIR work
*Chance to get more involved in the mapping space
*Engage w/ OMG and others to seek incorporation of key methodology constructs (design by constraint, terminology binding, etc.) into "standard" methodologies such as UML.
*Chance to work with Vocabulary on UTG
*Chance to more formally document FHIR methodology/guidance/best practices, particularly in the IG space
*Possible methodology in new technical areas - AI, bulk data, ??
*Losing credibility due to inability to respond to key issues in timely fashion
*Running out of things to do:
*Demands of a FHIR transition may place demands on MnM the committee doesn't have the bandwidth to handle
**Primary original purpose for MnM (V3 methodology) will soon be irrelevant
*FHIR continues to consume resources that would otherwise be directed to other responsibilities, slowing delivery times
**FHIR Data types being normative means primary work item to date will significantly fade in volume
*MnM isn't perceived as relevant, so MnM advice/feedback isn't solicited
*Unclear where to transition MnM's V3 & methodology responsibilities if we disband

Latest revision as of 20:36, 11 September 2018


Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for Modeling and Methodology Work Group (MnM)


  • Active members with strong knowledge of V3 and FHIR Methodology and its foundations
  • Active members with a passion for a functional methodology
  • Solid foundation in RIM and Methodology
  • Responsibility for FHIR methodology and data types ensures ongoing relevance


  • Core members have other primary interests and/or responsibilities within HL7
  • Difficulty getting all (or even most) facilitators (and sometimes even co-chairs) together to form true consensus
  • Lack of bandwidth to train new participants and Facilitators
  • Lack of new participants to pass on the methodology
  • Difficult to track, monitor and maintain active communication with the organizations breadth of Work Groups and projects
  • V3 interest has faded to almost nothing


  • Potential to work on RIM as an ontology or other RIM migration
  • Chance to get more involved in the mapping space
  • Chance to work with Vocabulary on UTG
  • Chance to more formally document FHIR methodology/guidance/best practices, particularly in the IG space
  • Possible methodology in new technical areas - AI, bulk data, ??


  • Running out of things to do:
    • Primary original purpose for MnM (V3 methodology) will soon be irrelevant
    • FHIR Data types being normative means primary work item to date will significantly fade in volume
  • MnM isn't perceived as relevant, so MnM advice/feedback isn't solicited
  • Unclear where to transition MnM's V3 & methodology responsibilities if we disband