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MnM Minutes CC 20080104

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M&M Conference Call, January, 2008

(for more detail refer to meeting schedule)


  • Approval of past minutes
  • Frequency of the conference calls
  • WGM Meeting items
  • Other TBD


  • Dale Nelson
  • Ioana Singureanu
  • Austin Kreisler
  • Gregg Seppala
  • Lee Coller
  • Mead Walker


  • Roll call
  • Drafted agenda

Agenda was approved: Ioana/Lee 5-0-0

  • Approve meeting minutes:

Minutes from the last conference call were not available

Frequency of the conference calls

Motion (Lee/ Austin ): Move to change the M&M call to a bi-weekly call with an agenda available 24 hours ahead and at least one co-chair assigned. We maintain the call schedule on the wiki. Approved: 5-0-0

WGM Meeting items

Motion (Ioana/Lee ): M&M should use its “Docs” tab in Gforge to publish documents such as meeting agendas.

We need a more comprehensive approach to documentation.

Motion withdrawn

Mead Walker would like to discuss backward-compatibility: Interaction and Versioning

The current list of hot topics is available:


  • No meeting next Friday

--Ioana13 11:56, 4 January 2008 (CST)

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