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This page documents a [[:category:Pending FHIR Resource Proposal|Pending]] [[:category:FHIR Resource Proposal|FHIR Resource Proposal]]
This page documents a [[:category:Pending FHIR Resource Proposal|Approved]] [[:category:FHIR Resource Proposal|FHIR Resource Proposal]]
[[Category:FHIR Resource Proposal]]
[[Category:FHIR Resource Proposal]]
[[Category:Pending FHIR Resource Proposal]]
[[Category:Approved FHIR Resource Proposal]]

Revision as of 20:25, 3 August 2016


The MeasureReport resource represents the results of calculating a clinical quality measure. The _evaluate_ operation of the Measure resource is defined to return a MeasureReport. The resource is capable of representing three different levels of report: patient-level, patient-list, and summary.

The resource is based on the HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture - Category 1 (QRDA I) DSTU Release 3 (US Realm) and the HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: Quality Reporting Document Architecture - Category III (QRDA III), DSTU Release 1 implementation guides.

The resource is differentiated from a general purpose query result because it communicates specific information related to quality measurement evaluation that would be difficult to convey generally without imposing some other structure on top of the general results. A more generic result container would certainly be useful, and perhaps the MeasureReport could be a profile of that more general resource?

Owning committee name

Clinical Quality Information Work Group

Committee Approval Date:

The resource proposal was approved on 2016-03-18 minutes.

Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID

1234: FHIR-Based Clinical Quality Framework (CQF-on-FHIR)

Scope of coverage

The MeasureReport resource represents the results of calculating a Measure. It may be specific to a patient, or it may be a patient-listing or population-level report. As with the Measure resource, the structure is flexible enough to be used to capture a broad range of clinical quality measurement reporting scenarios and can be used to report in any discipline and locale.

The resource is intended to be used by quality measurement reporting agencies and healthcare delivery systems to facilitate the communication of quality measurement results.

RIM scope

Resource appropriateness

The Quality Reporting Document Architecture specifications define a standard mechanism for communicating the results of quality measurement calculation for HL7 V3 standards. Enabling those results to be represented as a FHIR resource will extend the reach of quality measurement reporting. In addition, defining the content as a FHIR resource will allow implementers to use the FHIR stack and all its associated tooling and specifications to facilitate quality reporting, effectively enabling another potential role of a FHIR server as a Quality Reporting Service.

Expected implementations

In addition to general interest from the Quality Measurement community, several vendors have expressed interest in using the Measure and MeasureReport resources to enable various quality measurement and quality reporting scenarios.

Content sources

Are there any source specifications that you wish to consult but are concerned about access to or expertise to consider? -->

Example Scenarios

Resource Relationships

The MeasureReport resource will reference the Measure resource to identify the measure being reported.


May 2016 Ballot Cycle in support of the CQF IG.

gForge Users
