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May 4th CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda (Minutes of 27 April meeting will be posted soon)
  2. (10 min) HSS Disclosure Accounting RFI
  3. (45 min) Ongoing Projects Update
    • Privacy Policy Reference Catalog


1. Action Items


2. Resolutions

3. Updates/Discussion

RFI For Disclosures

  • Health and Human Services published a Request For Information (RFI) on May 3rd to help understand the interests of individuals, covered and business entities with respect to the HIPAA Privacy Rule - Accounting of Disclosures.
    • There are eight questions around the ability of current systems to identify disclosures.
  • Does the CBCC want to make a formal response to this RFI, and if so, how should we go about responding?
  • SAMHSA will draft a response that we can review on next week’s call at which time we can decide whether we want to submit a CBCC response to HL7 headquarters for an official submission. Pat Pyette volunteered to assist in the drafting of this response.

Privacy Policy Reference Catalog

  • One of the first tasks that the TSC asked for is a white paper. Pat has started the outline for this white paper and has begun gathering privacy legislation – north American, European, Japanese and Australian examples
  • If there are topics people think belong in this white paper, please submit these ideas to Pat Pyette . If anyone wants to volunteer to help write the white paper or review it, please contact Pat. No deadline for completion of the white paper at this time, but Pat hopes to have a draft available in the next few weeks.
  • The outline currently consists of an overview of the project, what the catalog will contain and what it will enable. The first deliverable of the project is the white paper. In addition, we are collecting representative privacy policies from a number of jurisdictions.

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