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May 4th CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda (Minutes of 27 April meeting will be posted soon)
  2. (10 min) HSS Disclosure Accounting RFI
  3. (45 min) Ongoing Projects Update
    • Privacy Policy Reference Catalog


1. Action Items


2. Resolutions

3. Updates/Discussion

RFI For Disclosures

  • Health and Human Services published a Request For Information (RFI) on May 3rd to help understand the interests of individuals, covered and business entities with respect to the HIPAA Privacy Rule - Accounting of Disclosures.
    • There are eight questions around the ability of current systems to identify disclosures.
  • Does the CBCC WG want to make a formal response to this RFI, and if so, how should we go about responding?
    • SAMHSA will draft a response that we can review on next week’s call at which time we can decide whether we want to submit a CBCC response to HL7 headquarters for an official submission

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