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May 24, 2016 UDI Project Meeting

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Minutes - Unique Device Identifier Implementation Guidance Project Meeting, May 24, 2016


  1. Attendees
  2. Meeting Minutes
  3. Meeting Discussion
    1. Review Schedule
    2. Review DAM/Conceptual Model Ballot Document
    3. UDI Functional Profile
  4. Action Items
    1. Finish Ballot


  • Patrick Loyd
  • Hans Buitendijk
  • Behnaz Minae
  • Marti Velesiz
  • Bob Yencha
  • Myron Finseth
  • Kamalini Vaidya
  • Gary Dickenson
  • Todd Cooper
  • Steve Rosenberg
  • Bob Dieterlie

Meeting Minutes:

May l;alsa;k postponed approval till next meeting

Meeting Discussion:

Action Items:

Parking Lot

  • Add to Parking lot: how to fix an incorrect identifier
  • Add to Parking lot: supply chain
  • Add to Parking lot: directives in Europe to check identifier, before implantation

Next Meeting: