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|[[Image:Technical_med.gif |ballot reconciliation icon]]
|[[Image:Technical_med.gif |ballot reconciliation icon]]
|'''MHWG and CBCC (Host)'''
* Topic: Creation of a CBCC Functional Profile that applies to MH
| Erin
| Erin

Revision as of 19:13, 28 August 2012


  • business icon - business
  • ballot reconciliation icon - ballot reconciliation
  • technical icon - technical
  • / = joint session
  • + = session with representatives of

. |||||||||||||||||
Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday Sept 9 AM Q1

HL7 International Council Meeting


HL7 International Council Meeting

PM Q3 business icon HL7 International Council Meeting
Q4 technical icon HL7 International Mentoring Cmte
Monday Sept 10 AM Q1
  • Plenary
  • Plenary
PM Q3 business icon Meaningful Use
Q4 technical icon Meaningful Use
Tuesday Sept 11 AM Q1 ballot reconciliation icon ' Erin
Q2 ballot reconciliation icon MHWG / EHR WG / PHR WG (Host EHR)

1. Possible tasks
• Discuss creation of a definition (or perhaps multiple, stakeholder-specific definitions) of MHealth.
• Suggest that MHWG review the PHR-S FM and EHR-S FM and offer Mobile Health –related recommendations.
• Discuss possible creation of a Mobile Health Functional Profile (of the EHR-S FM and/or PHR-S FM).
• Discuss possible creation of a Mobile Health Implementation Guide.
• Discuss the possible creation of a Mobile Health Functional Model.
• Update existing functional profiles?

2. Examine Stakeholder Groups’ interests in mHealth, including: • Healthcare Professionals
• Healthcare Consumers (e.g., therapy, wellness, fitness)
• Groups (e.g., migratory workers, mobile villages
• Homecare
• Statisticians (e.g., population health surveillance)
• Emergency Responders
• Researcher (e.g., Genome analysis)
• Social Media users (e.g., Facebook)

3. Overview of current mHealth activities worldwide, including: • Health Information Exchanges
• Professional Organizations / Societies (e.g., HIMSS)
• Standards Development Organiations (e.g., HL7, ISO)
• mHealth -related organizatons (e.g., IHE, Continua) • Education • (others)

PM Q3 technical icon MHWG + mHealth Alliance + CBCC

Introducing MHWG and Creation of a Functional Profile

John, John, CBCC
Q4 technical icon (none)

Tuesday 5:15pm Birds of a Feather - Mobile Health Around the World in 80 Seconds!

Bring your mobile health example from your country and win a prize!

For the International community, the MHWG will introduce MH, we would like to hear your MH story from your country

Wednesday Sept 12 AM Q1 technical icon MH

- Agenda Review
- Summary of accomplishments working with other WGs so far this week
- Brainstorming and Prioritize Functional Profiles

Q2 technical icon MH

- Outline Functional Profile(s) for MH
MU, FCC Spectrum
- Working meeting on venn diagrams

PM Q3 technical icon MH

- Working meeting - 3 year plan
- Collaboration process with groups outside HL7 (mHiMSS, ITU, etc)
- International impact of MH, mobile payment

Thursday Sept 13 AM Q1
Friday Sept 14 AM Q1
PM Q3 No Meeting
Q4 No Meeting