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Lab PH Field Collect

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Public Health Storyboard - Field Specimen Collection

During an emergency event or disease outbreak, Roy Responder, a member of the response
team, is sent into the affected area to evaluate members of the population and collect 
specimens for testing.
Roy Responder visits and examines Patti Person for potential exposure to the agent or 
condition under investigation. During the exam, the Patti answers Roy's questions.  Roy 
collects the needed specimen(s) from Patti in order to perform the lab test(s) needed by  
the event.  Roy adds the specimen information to Patti's record in the Outbreak 
Management System (OMS) on his tablet computer.  Roy labels the specimen(s) with the 
appropriate identifiers generated by a specimen identification and tracking module loaded 
on his computer.
Roy uploads Pattie's OMS record, including the specimen(s) and order(s) information, to 
the Responding Organization's consolidated OMS.  The OMS sends the order(s) to the Lab's  
LIS/LIMS; each order includes the appropriate specimen information.  Roy delivers the 
specimen(s) to the appropriate area to be shipped to the lab.  
Sam Shipper, the Shipping Clerk, prints a shipping manifest from the OMS system and 
packages the specimen(s) and manifest(s) for delivery to the Lab.
When the Lab receives the specimen(s) with shipping manifest, the Terry Transcriptionist 
checks for the order(s) in the LIS/LIMS and accessions the specimen(s) by generating 
accession, specimen, and/or container identifiers as needed and placing the identifiers 
on the specimen(s).  Once accessioned, the specimen(s) and test request(s) are sent for 
Tony Tester receives the specimens, performs the analysis on the specimen(s), and adds 
the results and/or interpretations to the LIS/LIMS.  The LIS/LIMS sends the lab result 
report to the Responding Organization's OMS.  The OMS notifies Roy Responder that results 
are available.  Roy reviews the result, formulates a treatment or preventive measure if 
needed, and notifies Patti Person of the results and treatment or preventive measure.

Storyboard Assumptions

Business Process

Storyboard Objects

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