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Link to the current model:
Link to the current document:  
* [[OO Behavioral Model Conceptual Specification|Lab Model Conceptual Specification]] (Draft)

Revision as of 04:24, 18 January 2012

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Scope of Lab Order Template (ID: 587)

To develop a lab order model which meets the needs of lab for v3 and conforms to the composite order model as well.


Link to the current document:

To Dos

  • Criterion mood to an attribute (preconditions)
  • Lab order is a proper subset of composite order (in two weeks)
    • composite order missing:
    • data enterer.modeCode
    • informationrecipient.sequenceNumber, info.rcpt.time
    • we are not using consistent sequenceNumber, should be there for all AR and Part where the min cardinality is 1 or higher
    • add subject to lab
    • lab order need location (yes)
    • should composite have reasonCode on placerGroup>?
    • update composite obs req and lab obs req for new negation ind
    • lab obs request, status must be mandatory
    • composite order, why ActDefinition.text (esp. as optional)
    • lab prioractrequest, remove code, text, correct spelling 'o'bsolete (lower case 'o')
    • does lab need preconidition

Completed To Dos

  • Review 'old' context conduction - DONE (PEL 20110911)
  • look at whether PatientorAssigned should still use R-assignedEntity - No change (PEL 20110911)
  • bring up to date to the current RIM - DONE (PEL 20110911)
  • Replace supporting clinical information CMET with supporting clinical statement
  • Replace annotation with annotation cmet
  • Add event to fulfillment AR
  • replace lab process step with process step cmet

