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June 16, 2015 Security WG Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Mike DavisSecurity Co-chair . Duane DeCouteau . Chris Clark
x John MoehrkeSecurity Co-chair . Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
Alexander Mense Security Co-chair Ken Salyards Christopher Brown TX
. Trish WilliamsSecurity Co-chair . Gary Dickinson . Tim McKay
x Kathleen Connor . Ioana Singureanu . Mohammed Jafari
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb Darrell Woelk . Galen Mulrooney
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Reed Gelzer x William Kinsley
x Rick Grow [mailto: ] . Paul Knapp

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Agenda DRAFT

  1. (05 min)

  1. (10 min) PASS Access Control Conceptual Model (SOA) - Diana, Don Jorgenson
  2. (10 min) Vocabulary Alignment Project - Diana/Reed
  3. (10 min) FHIR Contract, Consent Directive Discussion (tentative)
  4. (05 min) October 2015 HL7 WGM - Atlanta, Georgia USA - agenda items
  5. (as time allows) FHIR disposition - review/discussion, ongoing agenda item
  6. (as time allows) Other business, action items, and adjournment

Meeting Minutes

Approval of June 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes

  • The minutes for the June 9, 2015 meeting were unanimously approved.

Approval of May 2015 HL7 WGM in Paris, France Minutes

  • The minutes for the May 2015 HL7 WGM in Paris, France were unanimously approved.

PASS Access Control Conceptual Model (SOA) - Diana

  • Diana retrieved the PSS and contacted Lynn Laakso, who said that, in order to bring this to ballot in September/October, the project team needs to update the PSS with the new template and then the NIB needs to be filed. Since the team has an outstanding ballot, Lynn can do the NIB.
  • Diana is currently updating the PSS and will bring it before the project team next week. The PSS will then need to be brought before the TSC for final approval. In the meantime, John and Diana are polishing it up which includes adding a section on obligations and trust frameworks.

Vocabulary Alignment - Diana

  • Project participants are looking to set a timeline and deadline to bring work to ballot even if it’s just a ballot for comment.
  • On this week's EHR Interoperability WG teleconference, members examined Reed's use case that outlines a process flow so that folks can look at vocabulary within a specific context. The context that Reed chose was one in which a clinician enters in a record for a patient, but picks the wrong patient. Folks discussed what happens next and how this process would work in records management. They compared how security sees this kind of event to the way in which the records management system sees this kind of event.
  • In addition, members are looking at the EHR, Security and Provenance terms alignment document that Mike created and are conducting further analysis and bringing in more use cases and to have this document be the backbone of the project's first deliverable.

Discussion on FHIR Consent Directive, Contract

  • The chair of the FHIR Management Group accepted CBCC's request to pull the FHIR Consent Directive Policy profile from this FHIR DSTU release from scope and publish it together with the dependent FHIR Consent Directive Questionnaire and FHIR Consent Directive Questionnaire Answer profiles.

Meeting adjourned at 1300 PDT