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June 1, 2016 Education Telecon

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 12:19, 28 June 2016 by Melissa Mendivil (talk | contribs) (→‎Quorum)
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  • Melva Peters
  • MaryAnne Boyle
  • Fernando Campos
  • Virginia Lorenzi
  • Heather Graham
  • Melissa Mendivil


  • Met


Fall Webinar Series (requested by Sharon, when and who)

  • MU Series
  • Vocabulary Series

HL7 for clinicians

September Grid, brochure, specifications

  • MaryAnne: Current challenge - brochure deadline last week
  • Outstanding title/descriptions that need consensus from authors
  • We may need to go with what we already have for the hard copies due to time constraints, we can edit soft copies if needed

Certification Updates

  • Professional Cert - no new updates
  • Arden Syntax - Sharon has put together a new competency survey that is undergoing review
  • FHIR Cert - Diego and Graham were working together on a base FHIR certification. May be difficult to create a certification on something that is not a standard.
  • If the Education WG pursues a certification track, we will need to create a project.

PSS for One Day Summit

  • This has now passed SD - done through e-vote as upcoming meetings were cancelled due to holidays
  • Next Steps: Goes to TSC for vote/approval (this may take a couple weeks)


  • Analysis - ongoing

Report from HQ

Mission statement review

  • we can review this together on a call or a WGM

January Grid-work

  • Ideally approve this before Sept. meeting so we can socialize at luncheon and begin editing after WGM


  • FHIR Fundamentals course 1st Ed has been completed - international requests have been coming in!

Action Items

  • Discuss submission process with our instructors at Educational Luncheon to ensure we get ahead of deadlines
  • MaryAnne and Sharon still analyzing Dashboard
  • Melissa to follow up with Melanie on linking to high traffic landing zones