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#Serafina will contact early adopters of the CDA R2 IG for Consent Directives to obtain feedback based on their implementation experience.  Ioana will incorporate feedback into the appropriate May ballot artifacts (IG for Consent Directives and/or Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model).
#Serafina will contact early adopters of the CDA R2 IG for Consent Directives to obtain feedback based on their implementation experience.  Ioana will incorporate feedback into the appropriate May ballot artifacts (IG for Consent Directives and/or Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model).
#Serafina to follow up on possible new rules regarding ballot levels related to Domain Analysis Models and CDA Implementation Guides as this may factor into the ballot level we request in upcoming NIBs.
#Serafina to follow up with HQ to determine "new rules" regarding ballot levels for Domain Analysis Models and CDA Implementation Guides.
#Add statement to the CDA IG for Behavioral Health Summary related to ensuring templates backward compatibility
#Add statement to the CDA IG for Behavioral Health Summary related to ensuring templates backward compatibility
#Richard will provide a statement / section that will be incorporated as addendum to the Behavioral Health ballot package to highlight areas within the Domain Analysis that are undergoing development and which are critical to interoperability between Behavioral Health practitioners and other social service and safety net domains (e.g., Criminal Justice, Educational System).  The purpose of this statement is to ... (''Serafina editorial comment / question:'' clarify that the Implementation Guide/DAM is a living document and that it is expected to evolve over time.  There is a commitment to ensure backward compatibility, but to allow flexibility for incorporating new use cases, data elements and terminology to support interoperability.)
#Richard will provide a statement / section that will be incorporated as addendum to the Behavioral Health ballot package to highlight areas within the Domain Analysis that are undergoing development and which are critical to interoperability between Behavioral Health practitioners and other social service and safety net domains (e.g., Criminal Justice, Educational System).  The purpose of this statement is to ... (''Serafina editorial comment / question:'' clarify that the Implementation Guide/DAM is a living document and that it is expected to evolve over time.  There is a commitment to ensure backward compatibility, but to allow flexibility for incorporating new use cases, data elements and terminology to support interoperability.)

Revision as of 21:28, 30 January 2013

Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (15 min) WGM follow-up (Suzanne & Richard) - deferred until next meeting
    • Three-year Plan:
    • Meeting Minutes - Suzanne to complete & Serafina to review. Minutes to be approved on next Tuesday's CBCC Call (2/5/13) Suzanne to post
    • Work Group Mission and Charter - review with attendees, send to listserve and have approved by DESD before posting
  3. (10 min) May Ballot Timeline and Deliverables
    • Submit Notice of Intent to Ballot (NIB) - Deadline: Feb 17
    1. CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Privacy Consent Directive, First Normative ballot
    2. Domain Analysis Model for Behavioral Health, Second Informative Ballot
    3. CDA R2 Implementation Guide - Behavioral Health Summary, First Normative Ballot
  4. (15 min)SME Engagement and Terminology Analysis
  5. (05 min) FEI Briefing (Ioana)
  6. (05 min) Wrap Up, Review Action Items and Propose Agenda Items for Next Week


Considerable time spent discussing which level we would ballot our various standards.

  • Decision to rename the Domain Analysis Model during this submission to remove Reporting from the title (Previously titled Domain Analysis Model for Behavioral Health Reporting)
  • Serafina took Action Item to follow up with headquarters regarding any new rules for ballot levels for DAMs and CDA R2 IGs. This will determine the level at which we ballot.

Ballot development

Next step: Conduct the SME review of the Core Data Element and Terminology Analysis.

  • The purpose of the SME review is to get feedback on the current list of elements and values as well as to elicit any missing / new requirements (additional elements or values) that are not currently included.
  • Documents under discussion today can be found on GForge using the following links.
  • Before adjourning today's call, it was decided that Serafina would prepare a final update of the Core Data Element and Terminology Analysis spreadsheet.
  • The spreadsheet will be updated based on the information provided in the Proposed Behavioral Health Summary Record Content(.docx) briefly reviewed during today's call and then forwarded to Richard, Steve Daviss and other SAMHSA staff to circulate among the SMEs in advance of the work sessions (schedule below)

Subject Matter Expert (SME) requirements outreach

The Core Data Element and Terminology Analysis spreadsheet consists of a list of all Behavioral Health elements that have been identified to date, and worksheets containing the set of allowable values associated with each coded element. The tool is intended to be reviewed and validated by subject matter experts from various fields. We are seeking feedback on the current list of elements and values as well as to elicit any missing / new requirements (additional elements or values) that are not currently included.

  • Richard, Kate and Dr. Steve Daviss are reaching out to subject matter experts to engage them in this process. (see Action Items)
  • Orientation and multiple interactive work sessions have been scheduled in February to encourage SME participation.

Initial walk-through of the current data elements and proposed value sets Thu. Feb. 7th, 2013 @ 11 am EST (90 minutes) Three interactive work sessions are proposed (90 minutes each):

  • Tue. Feb. 12th @ 4 pm EST
  • Thu. Feb. 14th @ 10 am EST
  • Mon. Feb. 18th @ 3 pm EST

Feedback related to data elements and value sets received from each work session will be incorporated in the spreadsheet for the subsequent review

We recommend that you plan to attend:

  1. Initial Walk-through
  2. One work session
  3. Final Review Walk through of the proposed changes on Wed. Feb. 20th @ 1 pm EST

FEI Briefing - Ioana

  • We were unable to get to this item during today's call. Defer to next week (see Action Items section below)

Action Items

  1. Serafina will contact early adopters of the CDA R2 IG for Consent Directives to obtain feedback based on their implementation experience. Ioana will incorporate feedback into the appropriate May ballot artifacts (IG for Consent Directives and/or Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model).
  2. Serafina to follow up with HQ to determine "new rules" regarding ballot levels for Domain Analysis Models and CDA Implementation Guides.
  3. Add statement to the CDA IG for Behavioral Health Summary related to ensuring templates backward compatibility
  4. Richard will provide a statement / section that will be incorporated as addendum to the Behavioral Health ballot package to highlight areas within the Domain Analysis that are undergoing development and which are critical to interoperability between Behavioral Health practitioners and other social service and safety net domains (e.g., Criminal Justice, Educational System). The purpose of this statement is to ... (Serafina editorial comment / question: clarify that the Implementation Guide/DAM is a living document and that it is expected to evolve over time. There is a commitment to ensure backward compatibility, but to allow flexibility for incorporating new use cases, data elements and terminology to support interoperability.)
  5. Suzanne to forward Phoenix Working Group minutes to Serafina for review prior by Friday. Final Minutes will be forwarded to the list prior to next Tuesday's meeting (2/5) for approval at beginning of call

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM EST Back to CBCC Main Page