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ITS WGM Minutes 2016 May

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ITS - Montreal, Canada, WGM May 2016



Q1: FluentPath Ballot Reconciliation (FHIR-I joining)

Chair – Dale Nelson

Ballot resolution, GG hosting discussion. All motions contained in ballot notes.


RDF subgroup

Chair - Dale Nelson


  • Dale Nelson
  • James Agnew
  • Richard Ettema
  • Brian Pech
  • Rob Hausam
  • Eric Prudhommeaux
  • Chad Albert
  • David Booth
  • Sajjad Hussain
  • Michael van der Zel
  • Daniel Karlsson
  • Andy Bond
  • Grahame Grieve
  • Ken Lord

Called to order at 9:00 AM

David Booth gave introduction;

               Michael van der Zel
               Ken Lord – MDMI

Will present experiences from Rdf efforts.

Michael van der Zel:

Adding FHIR RDF (STU3) to .net Ref Impl (Ewout’s implementation)

  1. 4 modify supported ref impl to consume/produce RDF
  1. 6 ShEx implemnation - using output to validate Turtles


  1. 16 Value URI
  1. 18 Base URI
  1. 23 Date Literals

problems encountered:


dotNetRDF api

FHIR RDF/Turtle specs

General FHIR specs

Diff betw xml/json & turtle

  • in RDF add “Reference” to non polymorph attributes with References type object URI Value as URI

Motion GG/RH Use IRI fhir:reference and fhir:concept. Otherwise we use a literal 11/0/0

Motion GG/MV Resource references be identified wherever possible 11/0/0

Polymorphism issue - FHIR Current build

Ken Lord:


Interoperability standard

Working with HL7 cross paradigm project

Interoperability between different formats FHIR Connectathon declaratve mapping track (C-CDA to FHIR track)

Declarative Mapping Track:

Artifacts (open source) for FHIR and CCDA Model - Model transforms Use tooling to generate a map of data model if you have none.

Canonical representation = referent index ==> Semantic Metadata Repository similar to 11179

11179 too complex

DataElement has classification schema and representation class Semantic metadata = concepts,

11179 classes are tuples: entities, relationships between entities Uniqueness of data element If it can be made compatible with Rdf group, then query tools can be made.

Working with CDA, computable ways to write Understanding of controlled vocabulary as to how someone would use a canonical set of data elements

Exchange between info models CCDA and CCD of FHIR has gaps and limitations.

Routing via Rdf may not improve this

Rdf as a language rather than a model

Mappings can be expressed in Rdf

RIM <-> FHIR <-> Rdf

All other standards have their own info model.

Every FHIR element has a master in 11179. dataElements.xml Same name as in Rdf form. This is a direct reference to FHIR definition.

Adjourned at 12:35PM


chair: Dale Nelson

Grahame Grieve hosting discussion. Decisions recorded on the ballot reconciliation.


Joined InM