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ITS RDF ConCall Agenda

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Weekly joint teleconference of the HL7 ITS subgroup on RDF for Semantic Interoperability and the W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences group on Clinical Observations Interoperability.

See also Work Projects

Tuesday Jan 31

NOTE: We will be using Google Hangout for remote attendees. Please test Google Hangout in advance!

Google Hangout for remote attendees:

  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Pick a scribe
  3. Approve Minutes of previous meetings
    1. Jan 17
    2. Jan 24
  4. Should owl:Ontology declaration be included in instance data? -- Harold
  5. fhir:concept -- Harold
    1. proposed changes to fhir:concept idiom to align with OWL individual model
  6. Status of Shape Expressions (ShEx) -- EricP
    1. ShEx Community Group
  7. Linked Data profile proposal -- Harold
    1. Portions of RDF representation have general applicability. Do we want a profile for these elements?
  8. FHIR in JSON-LD -- Resolving differences in Grahame's triples from FHIR / Turtle
    1. fhir:index
    2. fhir:nodeRole
  9. Update of Linked Data Module pages -- David
  10. Issues list:
  11. Review of remaining FHIR/RDF work:
  12. FHIR RDF deliverables

11am ET Tuesday Weekly Teleconference Details

Effective Jan 24, 2017:

Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
Google Hangout:
IRC: port 6665 channel #hcls

5pm ET Tuesday Weekly Task Force Teleconference Details

FHIR RDF and Validation/Translation Task Force

Tuesdays, 5:00pm Eastern US (Boston) time zone
Google Hangout:
IRC: port 6665 channel #hcls

See also:

Work Projects

Moved to RDF for Semantic Interoperability home page