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ITS RDF ConCall Agenda

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Weekly joint teleconference of the HL7 ITS subgroup on RDF for Semantic Interoperability and the W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences group on Clinical Observations Interoperability.

See also Work Projects

Agenda for 7-Oct-2015 Face-to-Face Meeting 9-10:30am, Atlanta

(No teleconference Oct 6)

Webex details for those who can dial in:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 | 9:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-04:00)
Meeting link:
Meeting number: 646 952 680
Meeting password: RDF

DRAFT Agenda for 13-Oct-2015

  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Moderation and use of a SPEAKER QUEUE
  3. Pick a scribe
  4. Approve Minutes of previous meeting
    1. Sep 22
  5. Review of Action Items
    1. ACTION: Claude to follow up with Jean-Francoise about getting Vidal present [recorded in]
    2. ACTION: Eric to write up his and Josh's proposal for a registry of clinical terminologies [recorded in]
    3. ACTION: JohnMattison to provide example CCDA for trying with ShEx [recorded in]
  6. Report from last week's CTS Ontology Workshop,
  7. FHIR RDF and Validation/Translation Task Force (Wednesdays 11am Boston timezone)
    1. NEW TELECONFERENCE DETAILS: Webex for teleconference: dial-up: +1-617-324-0000 Access code: 645 777 110 Meeting password: 4257
    2. Aug 12 notes
    3. Sep 2 notes
  8. Atlanta HL7 face-to-face meeting preparation - Oct 4-9, 2015 - RDF subgroup meets Wed 9:00-10:30am?
  9. HL7 Project Scope Statement (PSS) for computable semantic links from FHIR to RIM
  10. Continuing on FHIR RDF:
    1. FHIR ValueSets -- draft by Tony Mallia

Teleconference Details

Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone

Teleconference: +1-617-324-0000 Access code: 645 777 110
Meeting password: 4257 ("HCLS")

IRC: port 6665 channel #hcls

See also:

Work Projects

Moved to RDF for Semantic Interoperability home page