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ITS Concall Minutes 20110628

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ITS Teleconference - June 21, 2011

Present: Andy Stechishin (AS), Paul Knapp (PK), Dale Nelson (DN), Gerald Beuchelt (GB)

Chair: PK

Scribe: AS


  1. Approve Minutes of previous meetings April 12, Jun 14
  2. Approve minutes of Orlando WGM
  3. Report from InM Meeting re: status of Transport specs
  4. Status of R2b Schemas
  5. Request for addenda to RIM ITS
  6. V2 XML ITS
    • Need to adjust lengths with 2.7 release
  7. Adjourn

Call to order at 4:10 Eastern

Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings

Motion: Approve June 14 minutes AS/DN unanimous

Note: DN has reconsidered his decision and will be running for re-election

Approve Minutes of Orlando WGM

Motion: Approve Orlando WGM minutes as distributed to the list server on June 9 AS/DN unanimous

Report from InM

  • InM confirmed moving introduction document to ITS
  • InM does not have resources to continue Abstract ITS document
    • Agreement to take to steering division for guidance on what to do with document
    • Suggestion in FTSD to engage MnM to see where document should go according to SAIF framework
      • Might be a joint group discussion in San Diego WGM with all who care about transport (MnM, SOA, InM, ITS)
  • Action: PK will coordinate with InM to schedule joint meeting in San Diego


Report on discussion on list server around updates to V2 XML specification and wished to take it to ballot. ITS co-chairs wanted some additional time to review document prior to approving for ballot. Will circulate, collect comments and in San Diego dedicate a quarter to review and approve for ballot.

  • Action: Ensure joint meeting to discuss approve document - AS
  • Action: Create PSS for this project - AS

3 Year Plan

Review of documents in ITS, UML datatypes should likely be deprecated. Reviewing other standards

Update on R2B ITS

DN had sent a note had not received a response

  • Action: DN will attempt again to contact Grahame Grieve

Update on Ballots from May 2011

PK has only seen 1 withdrawal, will reach out to other balloters to review status

Future Calls

Next week

  • Update on Actions
  • Schema for R2B ITS
  • V2 ITS


Call finished 4:55 Eastern