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ITS ConCall Agenda

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012 -- 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time



ITS Conference Call

Date / Time(s)

  • Call is scheduled first Tuesday of each month 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Eastern Time, GMT -05)

Screen sharing and Audio:

1. Dial into the conference:

  Dial-in Number: (515) 739-1285 - United States
  Access Code: 748563
  International Dial-in Numbers:

2. Join the online meeting:

  Online Meeting Link:
  Online Meeting ID: its5


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Data Types Task Force recap
  3. Approve Minutes of previous meetings October 2 and October 16
  4. ITS Guide Datatypes Release 2 - Reconciliation
  5. Action Item Update
    • Datatypes 1.1
      • Last action: Publication request done - April 24, 2012
    • Structures 1.1
      • Last action: Publication request (project 335) - July 10, 2012
    • ITS Guide
      • Last action:In ballot for September 2012 - July, 2012
    • Web Services
      • Last action: Vassil Peytchev has reported he can assist with Web Services at Vancouver WGM (will update in July/August) - May, 2012
    • InM Abstract Transports
      • Last Action: Reconciliation proceeding on joint InM/ITS call - July 10, 2012
    • R2B schemas
    • Wiki page update:
      • Last action: AS presented the work that he and Yunwei Wang had completed over previous week, updates should be complete by next meeting - February 7, 2012
    • ISO Datatypes release 1 - outstanding negatives
      • Last action: PK will chase down outstanding negatives- January 31, 2012
  6. Review of Product Briefs
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Adjourn