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HL7/OHT Collaboration on HingX

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 13:59, 31 May 2012 by Janecurry (talk | contribs)
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HL7 Tooling is facilitating the HL7 Community in it's use of the Health Ingenuity Exchange (HingX) Registry and Repository. HL7 is one of the communities participating in the Alpha Program prior to public release.

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This template was developed using examples from other project pagess: Annotated ECG, BRIDG as DAM, Canonical Pedigree, DCM for Dev, EHR Interop, EHR RM-ES, Oncology EHR, RPS, Templates registry, SPL, VMR

Project Information

Link to Project Insight Searchable Database Entry, which contains:

  • Brief description of project
  • Name the project facilitators, (add contact info if desired)
  • Link to project scope statement
  • Name the project listserv if a special one exists

Meeting Information


  • If balloting, list ballot name/cycle/link
  • If in DSTU, link to DSTU comments page
  • If in development, link to in progress
  • Some projects explicitly list objectives from scope statement and status for each

Issues/Hot Topics

Project Documents


To include your Project Page in a category listing, just include a statement like [[Category:Active_Projects]]