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FHIR Project planning

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 02:15, 22 May 2012 by GrahameGrieve (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This project plan is the working project plan covering the period from 20-May 2012 (post Vancouver WGM) to Saturday 8th September 2012 (Connectathon prior to Baltimore meeting) ...")
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This project plan is the working project plan covering the period from 20-May 2012 (post Vancouver WGM) to Saturday 8th September 2012 (Connectathon prior to Baltimore meeting)


Phase 1: Ballot preparation

  • Period: May -> 18th July
  • Finish the technical base (exchanged formats) ready for draft for comment on the general specification
  • resolve how balloting will work
  • marketing FHIR rationale and connectathon
  • finalise FHIR governance arrangements
  • agree to connectathon arrangements

Phase 2: Ballot lock-down

  • Period: July -> end - Aug
  • Finalise Connectathon arrangements
  • Work on Request/fulfillment cycle related resources
  • prepare draft resources for discussion in Baltimore
  • work on Semantic Web / definitional infrastructure
  • polish profile tooling
  • prepare tutorials for Baltimore

Phase 3: Meeting Preparation

  • Period Sept
  • update spec post ballot close
  • final connectathon arrangements
  • ballot triage
  • ensuring meeting plans in place

Phase 1

Finish the technical base

  • What is data, and what is metadata (id, profile id) [1]
  • Should we enable posting atom feeds to RESTful servers [2]
  • How to manage css in FHIR [3]
  • binary resources in Atom [4]
  • extensions plurality & naming - make consistent
  • make vocabulary model consistent internally to tooling
  • cardinality / conformance - refine model for clarity
  • add version element to Coding?
  • What do we put on the hData page?
  • build out the value set resource


  • collapse messaging and document resources in line
  • update xml specs that aren't generated for final format
  • figure out how to link profiles into publication structure
  • produce pdf format for book form
  • build full atom example for document example

resolve how balloting will work

  • do people ballot against the book form with section identifiers, or against the page form without?
  • adapt the usual excel spreadsheet, or build an actual web based system?
  • what committees do ballot reconciliation?

marketing / connectathon

  • confirm arrangements are in place
  • figure out who will be admin lead for connectathon (Ewout/Grahame are technical leads)
  • announce connectathon + outcomes
  • prepare 1/2 page whitepapers
    • CIO types
    • Clinical users
  • rewrite introduction page to FHIR


  • finalise constituted arrangements per TSC discussion at Vancouver

Phase 2

Phase 3