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FHIR Agenda-201401 WGM

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Revision as of 01:32, 19 January 2014 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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This is a list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the Jan. 2014 San Antonio WGM.

This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening, or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.

Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions are included in italics.

For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows: Q0=breakfast, Q1=9-10:30, Q2=11:00-12:30, Q3=1:45-3:00, Q4=3:30-5, Q5=dinner time, Q6=after dinner, until everyone crashes

Saturday Jan 18


Maverick A

  • Connectathon Development

Sunday Jan 19


Maverick A

  • Connectathon Testing


Maverick A

  • Connectathon Reporting/Presentations



  • Joint FHIR Management Group & Governance Board
    • Will FHIR go to a second ballot?
    • Metrics discussion (time allowing)


Regency East #1

  • Meeting planning


Maverick A&B

  • Free tutorial: Developing FHIR Profiles



  • FMG & FGB co-chairs present to TSC
    • DSTU comment tracking mechanism

Monday Jan 20



  • FHIR Governance Board meeting (EK)

Bowie B

  • Tutorial: Introduction to FHIR (LM)


Chula Vista

  • Implementation Techology Specifications (EK)
    • Handling canonical units for searching
      • From Observation resouce: "If the value of the parameter is a number (potentially with < etc), it is a search on the value (todo: units, canonical?)"
    • Deleting tags
    •  ??

Bowie B

  • Tutorial: Introduction to FHIR (LM)

Pecos w/ Orders & Observations (OO)

  • (Time allowing - following ballot preparation)
  • Review status of current resources, plan future work



  • FHIR Management Group meeting
    • Hosting DSTU and managing changes
      • two URLs: and That's a bit confusing. We need 3 sites (Official DSTU, "frozen" version for Connectathons and "development" version (could put access restrictions on the latter)
      • Where are we going to capture changes? (DSTU page vs. gForge)
      • How do we track and post what the "guidance" is for implementers on breaking changes without having them dig through the development release in between DSTU releases
    • Objectives for next release
      • Additional QA criteria/requirements
      • New resources
      • Profiles (including CCDA)
      • Additional mappings
  • Metrics
    • Questionaire questions?


Rio Grande East w/ Education

  • Education planning

Garden Terrace #137 w/ AID (formerly RIMBAA)

  • Implementing FHIR resource profiles
  • Supporting FHIR Documents & REST using BizTalk 2013

Bowie B

  • Tutorial: FHIR for developers (EK)

Pecos w/ Orders & Observations (OO)

  • Review status of current resources
  •  ??


Chula Vista w/ Implementation Techology Specifications & MnM (LM)

  • Handling canonical units for searching
  • FHIR Methodology?
  •  ??

Bowie B

  • Tutorial: FHIR for developers (EK)

Directors w/ Patient Administration

  • Scheduling resource

Tuesday Jan 21


Directors w/ Patient Administration (LM)

  • Should Location.telecom change from 0..1 to 0..* (for phone, fax, email, website, etc.)
  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • CCDA profiling
  • Plans for new resources & profiles

Nuences w/ Services Oriented Archicture (SOA) and Implementation Technology Specifications (ITS) (EK)

  • Defining services w/ FHIR?
  •  ??


Directors w/ Patient Administration (EK)

  • Appointment and related resources

Llano (LM)

  • Should order in Questionnaire always be significant?
  • Planning for next release
  • FHIR Methodology


Directors w/ Patient Administration (EK)

  • Appointment and related resources

Garden Terrace #123 w/ Pharmacy (LM)

  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • Harmonization w/ Immunization
  • CCDA profiling
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
  • Lloyd's "todo" comments


Live Oak w/ Patient Care (LM)

  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • CCDA profiling
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
    • Referral?

Mesquite w/ Infrastructure & Messaging (InM) and Implementation Technology Specifications (ITS) (EK)

  • Do we need Batch in FHIR?
  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
  • Review new text on Message
  •  ??

Garden Terrace #129 w/ Pharmacy & Public Health Emergency Response (PHER)

  • Harmonization of Immunization resource with pharmacy MedicationAdministration

Directors w/ Patient Administration

  • More FHIR work (w/ Hugh)


Live Oak w/ Tooling and AID (formerly RIMBAA)

  • Demonstrations of several FHIR-related implementations (among others)

Wednesday Jan 22


Regency East #3 w/ Modeling & Methodology (MnM) and Vocabulary (LM)

  • Value Set definition

(Ewout free)


Regency East #3 w/ Modeling & Methodology (MnM) and Vocabulary (LM)

  • New "System" resource
  • Vocabulary clean-up

Maverick A w/ Devices (EK)

  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • Harmonization w/ Immunization
  • CCDA profiling
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
  • Plans for DSTU exercising
  •  ??


Garden Terrace #127 w/ Financial Management (FM) (LM)

  • Resource plans for DSTU release 2

Regency East #2 w/ Mobile Health (EK)

  •  ??


Directors w/ Clinical Genomics (LM)

  • Review Family History genomics profile & examples
  • Plans for additional resources

Frio w/ Conofmance Guides & Implementation Technology (CGIT) (EK)

  • Revisit ballot item 207 - consider defining search in Profile, declaring search in Conformance
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
  • Demo of profiling tool (time available)

Thursday Jan 23


Pecan w/ Modeling & Methodology (MnM) (LM)

  • FHIR Methodology

Navarro w/ Security (EK)

  •  ??


Pecan w/ Clinical Decision Support (CDS) (LM)

  • Using FHIR with the Virtual Medical Record

Regency East #1 w/ Orders & Observations (OO) (EK)

  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • CCDA profiling
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
    • What to do about Blood Pressure


Rio Grande Center w/ Structured Documents (LM)

  • FHIR QA items
  • Plans for profiling CCDA in FHIR
  • More meeting time?

Frio w/ Patient Administration (PA) (EK)

  • FHIR planning


Pecan w/ Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) (LM)

  • Additional quality checks on existing resources
  • CCDA profiling
  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
  • Alignment with Pharmacy, Patient Care

Nueces w/ Imaging Integration (II) and DICOM (EK)

  • Plans for new resources & profiles?
  • Next steps for implementation
  •  ??

Friday Jan 24



  • FHIR tooling plans
    • What do we do next with the build and other tooling?



  • FHIR Govenance Board & Management Group joint
    • Plans for publication
    • Next steps re: governance


Regency East #1 w/ Patient Care (PC) (EK)

  • Resource and/or profile development (Referral?)

Mesquite w/ Modeling & Methodology (MnM) (LM)

  • FHIR Methodology & planning