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Emergency Care

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HL7 Emergency Care Working Group

Emergency Care Working Group Co-chairs

  • Laura Heermann Langford
  • Jim McClay
  • Peter Park
  • Sandra Marr

Welcome to the HL7 Emergency Care WG Wiki!

Welcome to the Emergency Care Work Group Wiki Site. The Emergency Care WG is chartered to bring the unique understandings and perspectives of the emergency health care enterprise to the HL7 standards process. Because effective function of emergency care is mission critical to the entire healthcare system, and because emergency care represents care-settings quite unique from all others, this group seeks to be a reliable source of information and support for the HL7 standards mission. The Work Group will accomplish this goal through participation in the HL7 standards development processes.

This wiki page is for facilitation of ongoing discussions. Please see the hl7 website for more information about the Emergency Care Working Group

NOTE: The Emergency Care WG wiki is evolving and regularly being updated. If you find any links not working, please email one of the ECWG co-chairs with specific details. We will try our best to rectify the issues identified ASAP. Thanks for your patience and continued support

ECWG Conference Calls Details

ECWG hosts a number of project related conference calls. Details of the calls (date, time, audio and web sharing information) are in the information below and also announced through ECWG listserv emails:

Conference call Audio for all ECWG calls:
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 7889451

Working Group Meeting Information

  • EDIS Functional Profile V2:
2nd Monday of each month, 4:00pm US Eastern.
Web sharing details - to be announced via email notice to ECWG listserv

  • ECWG co-chairs conference calls/meetings:
3rd Monday of each month, 4:00pm US Eastern.
Agendas may include: Review of the All Hands call Agenda, Discussion re: Publications, Working Group Meeting Agendas, Administrative work etc.
Web sharing details - to be announced via email notice to ECWG co-chairs

  • ECWG All Hands Call
4th Monday of each month, 4:00pm US Eastern
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Web sharing details - to be announced via email notice to ECWG listserv

  • Other Projects - Scheduled and discussed as needed.
Including but not limited to:
  • ED Discharge CDA
    ED Domain Analysis Model
    Data Elements for Emergency Departments (DEEDS)
    FHIR application in the ED

Emergency Care Work Group Meetings

Join the List Serve for notifications. Check the Calendar for planned meetings. Announcements are sent over list serve.

We also post to the Emergency Informatics website to include non-HL7 members as needed and appropriate for HL7 IP.

ECWG Active Ongoing Projects and Activity Meeting Minutes

  • Co-chairs meeting documents:
ECWG co-chairs conference calls/meetings agenda and minutes

  • DEEDs Meeting Documents:
DEEDs Project Conference Calls and Meeting Minutes
Latest version of DEEDS update and revision
HL7 Version 3 Specification: Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS), Release 1 - US Realm

  • EC Domain Analysis Model Meeting Documents:
EC DAM Meeting Documents Agendas and Minutes
See EC DAM Draft Artifacts in documents on the Work Group HL7 site

  • EDIS Functional Profile Project Meeting Documents:
EDIS FP Meetings/Conference Calls Agenda and Minutes
Registered Emergency Department Information System Functional Profile
Participate in EDIS-FP Version 2.0 development
Based on EHR Functional Model

ECWG projects

Project Insight

EC WG web pages

Emergency Care Site at HL7

Emergency Informatics Web Site
