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EHR Interoperability WG

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Revision as of 20:54, 22 August 2011 by Gdickinson (talk | contribs)
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Following is a collection of documents and development work of the HL7 Electronic Health Record (EHR) Interoperability Work Group (an activity of the HL7 EHR Work Group). The Work Group meets Tuesdays at 2PM ET for 60 minutes. All are welcome! (Please subscribe to the HL7 EHR Interoperability listserver for meeting announcements, agendas and updates on current work.)

Note: DRAFT documents may be incomplete and are posted for Team review and discourse. Please take care to note their draft (tentative) status if referencing or sharing with others.


Gora Datta,

Gary Dickinson,

HL7 EHR Interoperability Activities

US ONC Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Metadata Standards to Support Nationwide Electronic Health Information Exchange

US ONC Standards and Interoperability Framework

2011 Use Case Initiatives - Transitions of Care, Lab Results, Provider Directory, Digital Certificate...

Cross Initiative - Use Case Simplification Subgroup

HL7 EHR System Functional Model Release 2

ISO/CEN Comments from Prior Ballots

Section Review

Transition of EHR Interoperability and Lifecycle Models to Release 2

ISO 16223 - Standards Convergence to Promote EHR Interoperability

HL7 EHR/PHR Standards

System Functionality Standards

Record Interoperability Standards

US HITECH Act - EHR Incentive Program - Final Regulations

Bookmarked Rules and White Board Story Courtesy of Robin Raiford

Key Reference Documents

HL7 EHR System Design Reference Model (Proposed)

2009 ANSI HITSP Foundations Framework Simplification Strategy

2006-2009 US ONC/AHIC/HITSP Use Cases

Worksheets for Use Case Sketch Analysis

Use Case Alignment with HL7 EHR/PHR Models

Year 1 Care Delivery - COMPLETE

> Sherry Selover, Lead -

Year 1 Population Health - COMPLETE

> Gora Datta, Lead -

Year 1 Consumer Empowerment - COMPLETE

> Kim Salamone, Lead -

Year 2 Quality Reporting - COMPLETE

> Kim Salamone, Lead -

Year 3 Remote Monitoring - COMPLETE

> Sherry Selover, Lead -