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DMP Decision

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This is a page of type Category:InM Closed Action Items.

Update to DMP

Opened 20080414
assigned: Tony Julian

The problem: DMP 7:

7.Decisions made by the committee are reached using a simple majority vote. The INM TC will always strive for consensus in decision-making.

While decisions are made by simple majority vote, the Committee shall endeavor to make its decisions via a consensus process. For a decision to be called a consensus, it must receive two-thirds (66%) majority support. While determining if consensus is being reached, a variety of techniques may be used informally to assess the position of the group, including but not limited to straw poll, Robert’s Rules of Order, seeking response to a hypothetical opposing view, and polling each participant to voice their position on the issue. A motion to revisit a previously discussed issue requires a two-thirds majority support.

I dont see the problem Tony?

The problem is as I look at it we make decisions by a simple majority vote except we want a 2/3 majority.

Confused? Me too!

Lets choose one or the other!

20080509: Closed Q1 Monday.