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* Rob Snelick
* Rob Snelick
* Nathan Bunker
* Nathan Bunker
* Didi Davis

Revision as of 21:17, 7 November 2016

Return to Conformance

Meeting Information

Proposed Agenda Topics

  • Approve Baltimore minutes
  • CGIT officially changed to Conformance
  • Project 1146 needs to be closed, how is this done? See email from Ted Klein.
  • Conformance Tutorial discussion
  • Request for HL7 News articles: Do we want to submit an article?
  • Harmonization proposals
  • Review of todo items: gforge.


  • Craig Newman
  • Frank Oemig
  • Rob Snelick
  • Nathan Bunker
  • Didi Davis


  • Move to approve Baltimore minutes 2-0-1
  • Work done to change CGIT to Conformance. No more todo tasks.
  • Discussing whether or not to close 1146. Originally for V3, but the new idea is to make it independent from V3. Sent email to Ted Klein to give him an update on project that it is still active.

Standing Discussion Items

During these meetings the following items will be discussed as a matter of course:

  • Review of todo items: gforge.
  • Topic areas
    • Data Type Flavors project
    • Conformance Tutorial
    • Conformance in FHIR and other standards
  • Request for new items on the next meeting

Call for Story Ideas for January 2017 Newsletter

Dear Co-Chairs and Affiliate Chairs:

This is a request for story ideas and a call for volunteers to contribute to the January 2017 edition of the HL7 News.

Your help is needed to fill the HL7 News with relevant stories for both HL7 users and HL7 developers. When submitting story ideas, please think of these two groups and how they relate to your story, as well as identifying which of the two (or both) is the target audience.

Please send your ideas for articles to me by Tuesday, October 11 to help in the development of an editorial calendar for this issue. If you only have an idea but cannot commit to authoring an article, please still send in your idea with a recommendation, if possible, for someone who might be able to write it.

If you are volunteering to write an article, the due date is Tuesday, November 1. Please include an electronic photo of yourself (at a resolution of 300) and your credentials so that the proper credit can be given to you in the newsletter.

Remember, this is your HL7 newsletter. Please be a part of creating its content. We could not do it without your contributions!

I look forward to hearing from you all and thank you, in advance, for your participation.

Best regards, Andrea