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==Agenda for 12 noon Eastern Call==
==Agenda for 12 noon Eastern Call==
* Finish CG DAM Reconcilliation:  rows # 28, #33, #52, # 109 and #115
* Finish CG DAM Reconcilliation:  rows # 28, #33, #52, # 109 and #115
* Review and further develop HL7 Grant's Pedigree Model Information wiki page
* Review and further develop HL7 Grant's Family Health History (Pedigree)for non-HL7 people wiki page

Revision as of 18:25, 16 November 2010

November 2, 2010


  • Continue ballot reconciliation of CDA GTR


  • Amnon Shabo
  • Clyde Ulmer
  • Grant Wood
  • Mukesh Sharma
  • Scott Bolte
  • Bruce Bray
  • Sanghoon Lee
  • Mollie Ullman-Cullere

Draft Minutes

  • Amnon proposed a collaborative effort where we use our HL7 wiki area to routinely document the agendas, attendees and minutes of our conf. calls.
  • CDA GTR Reconciliation
    • VA commnets
      • Needs a volunteer to study the new vocabulary spec and see how we can align our specs to it
      • Need to decide on dynamic versus static binding
      • if dynamic is preferred, we can also creats concept domains in HL7 that only point to possible value sets in controlled vbocabularies like LOINC
      • Organizational issues of the GTR should be discussed with MDHT developers as well as with the Structured Documents Work Group
      • Open issue: Add a constraint that if somatic then don't populate allelic state and if germline or prenatal then SHALL populate the allelic state; what about the sex chromosomes?

Meeting minutes is a link to approved minutes in the HL7 main site.

November 9, 2010


  • This call was cancelled due to an "HL7 Version 3 Ambassador Webinar" held at the same time.

November 16, 2010


  • Review of Canonical Pedigree Project scope statement. Draft statement send to distribution list 2010-11-15 by Scott Bolte.
  • Create a Family Health History (Pedigree) page on the Wiki designed for public consumption (non-HL7).


 Amnon Shabo (IBM) 
 Clyde Ulmer 
 Constanze Coon 
 Daryl Thomas 
 Don Rule 
 Scott Bolte (GE) 

Draft Minutes

Meeting mintues is a link to approved minutes in the HL7 main site.

November 23, 2010

Agenda for 11 AM Eastern Call

  • NCI Presentation on Generic Assay Model.
  • When: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
  • Special call-in number and web-conference link:

Call in number: 888-520-2187 PC: 2434592 Centra: Event ID: Generic Assay


Draft Minutes

Agenda for 12 noon Eastern Call

  • Finish CG DAM Reconcilliation: rows # 28, #33, #52, # 109 and #115
  • Review and further develop HL7 Grant's Family Health History (Pedigree)for non-HL7 people wiki page


Draft Minutes

Meeting mintues is a link to approved minutes in the HL7 main site.

November 30, 2010


  • Open Discussion - Next Generation Pedigree Model and View (Allen Hobbs)


Draft Minutes

Meeting mintues is a link to approved minutes in the HL7 main site.