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Conference Call Agenda 2011-10-06

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Revision as of 13:01, 5 October 2011 by Llaakso (talk | contribs)
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Tooling Conference Call 10:00AM Eastern Time (Date above)


Standing Conference Calls

The Tooling WG will hold a Conference Call at 2 PM Eastern time, each Thursday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at Telecon_Agendas.

Conference Call: Uses HL7 Conference Call Service
Dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 586935#
GoToMeeting at 482-299-629
  • For your local times, please visit: [1]


  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes [Jane]
  • Review action items - arrange action items in relation to the new projects
    • Tracker # 1453 - Tools and Resources Page
    • Tracker # 1992 - Update Vision Document for Tooling Architecture
    • Tracker # 1997 - Review communication from the Tooling WG for stale information
    • Tracker # 1998 - rsXML validation package update
    • Tracker # 2003 - Pilot the updated Tooling documentation and update the FAQs
    • Tracker # 2052 - Tooling Dashboard design requirements wiki page creation
    • Tracker # 2003 - update wiki or other GForge instruction documents from Wilfred to homebasecoordinator
    • From last meeting -
      • From 2011-09-15: Andy will update Vocabulary on the Kaiser development to IHTSDO WB
      • From 2011-09-13: Andy will request a joint session at the next WGM in San Antonio with RIMBAA to discuss how they use the datatypes reference.
      • From 2011-09-13: Andy will update Project Insight with next steps and milestones for the MAX project.
      • Andy will verify whether the publishing minutes include an acceptance process on the generator and evaluate creating a wiki page for it.
      • touch base with other WGs on their requirements (e.g. Corey Spears)
  • Review projects:
    • PI# 806 HL7 Terminology Authority (Tooling co-sponsor)
    • PI# 804 GForge alternative assessment
    • PI# 803 Tooling DashBoard
    • PI# 802 Tooling Communication Plan and Execution
    • PI# 801 Tooling Strategy and Process Revision
    • PI# 752 Publish CDA IGs from Tooling (Tooling co-sponsor)
    • PI# 742 Model Automated Exchange (MAX) for UML Models
    • PI# 690 HL7 Static Model Designer Enhancement 1 - ??
    • PI# 665 MIF based Publishing Phase II
    • PI# 611 Template Registry Pilot (Tooling co-sponsor)
    • PI# 578 MIF Informative Ballot (pending publication in NE 2012)
  • Update on Tooling Documentation [Wilfred]
  • Update on V3 Generator Tool [Lloyd]
  • Other/New Business
    • Rene: given that RIMBAA will have a face-to-face out of cycle meeting on November 15th: are there any issues you'd like RIMBAA to discuss prior to the WGM in San Antonio ? Note: RIMBAA doesn't have telcons between WGMs. We currently have 2 tool related agenda items:
      1. Process to evaluate implementation oriented tools/toolkits. Purpose: to recommend that certain tools be used, or to recommend to HL7 that it support the development of certain tools. Includes issues such as: defining Quality criteria, determining whethere or not there is an appropriate level of support.
      2. Discuss the possible creation of a 'reference implementation'. Discussion of whether or not we want to have/create one. Could be based on the Everest/jEverest toolkit with an added persistence layer (ORM out of the box, or MGRID).

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