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Conference Call Agenda 2011-08-25

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Tooling Conference Call 10:00AM Eastern Time (Date above)


Standing Conference Calls

The Tooling WG will hold a Conference Call at 2 PM Eastern time, each Thursday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at Telecon_Agendas.

Conference Call: Uses HL7 Conference Call Service
Dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 586935#
GoToMeeting at 482-299-629
  • For your local times, please visit: [1]


  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes [Jane]
  • Update on Tooling Documentation [Wilfred]
  • Review action items
    • From Tracker
      1997:Review Communication from the Tooling WG for stale information. review proposed wiki page to update communication
    • From last meeting
      Jane to review final version of instructions on adopting new processes with Tooling in San Diego - see latest version here ( Introducing New Processes Version 11 draft )
      All members to review the proposed Tooling WG page and offer comments and suggestions for improvement. (see no feedback received
      Lorraine to confirm ES representative will attend Tooling meeting Tuesday Q1 at WGM done.
      Jane will forward to Andy request for a session with SDWG for SAIF AP Tuesday at WGM
      Wilfred expects to get a Tooling Documentation draft to Jane on Monday
      Lynn will add to Andy’s publishing item on cochairs agenda on CMET process for GForge retention policy and space usage done
  • Web site review - [wiki page]
  • Update on V3 Generator Tool [Lloyd]
  • Update on GForge migration evaluation [Josh]
  • Tooling will review what John is reporting to the Board - or at least as much as is ready
  • Other/New Business
    • conference call provider evaluation pilot: please complete survey

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