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Communication Process Model

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 12:53, 9 December 2005 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs) (new page)
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An Interaction Pattern is a sequence of interactions that are related because they belong to one and the same business process. An Interaction Pattern consists of 1 or more Transmission Patterns. The interactions may be linked by business process identifiers such as "Placer Order ID", "queryId", "PrescriptionID".

  • Whether or not Syntax Level Acknowledgement interactions are used is not relevant for an Interaction Pattern, this is relevant at the Transmission level only.
  • Most Storyboard Diagrams in the HL7 v3 standard describe an Interaction Pattern.


A Laboratory Order, followed by a Promise, a preliminary labresult, and a final labresult constitutes an interaction pattern.