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Coffee Lounge

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 13:39, 28 May 2006 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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The Coffee Lounge (known as the Village pump in Wikipedia) is a discussion forum. This page is used to discuss the technical issues, policies, and operations of the HL7 Wiki. The Coffee Lounge is not a place to make lasting comments as inactive discussions will be permanently removed after a while.

Wiki Etiquette

  • Management of the Wiki: who will take responsibility for vetting the information placed in the HL7 Wiki? What should the HL7 Wiki Etiquette look like ?
    • One of the nice aspects of a Wiki site is the opportunity to have free exchange of thoughts. The challenge is that changes are made more easily and is therefore subject to proper wiki etiquette and discipline, as well as that at any point in time the site may not be reflective of the collective consensus on a particular topic. Simple Wiki etiquette requires that contributors stick to facts and consensus on the main pages. The comments/talk/discussion pages are for anything that is questionable, controversial, or unsettled. Wiki Moderators need a effective way of discouraging heated open disputes.
    • The option of "freezing" of pages (a lockout) should probably be limited to co-chairs.

Status of the Wiki

  • Do we need a Wiki that is maintained/controlled/administered by, and if so, how do we arrange this?
    • A knowledgeable team is needed to manage/update the Wiki software. Mayo is willing to host the HL7 Wiki until such a time that HL7 decides to host it, and provided that use of (human) resources is limited.
    • Need to establish a policy/clearly defined rules that communicate the intent on how the wiki and the HL7 web site interact.

Status of Wiki content

  • Normative status of the Wiki content. A combination of a wiki site and a web site, one flowing freely and openly knowing that it is such a dynamic site, the other controlled and reflective of agreed to direction and "sanctioned" materials, suits the combined needs. In a way the wiki is no more sanctioned then the cumulative list server activity, but easier to get the bigger picture of a discussion. Once consensus has been reached on the Wiki, the content can be frozen and included in a ballot.

Wiki Nite

Wiki Nite

The third edition of the "Wiki Nite" will be organized on September 12th during the Boca Raton WGM as one of the "open space" meetings. The aim of this meeting is

  1. to raise awareness of Wiki technology (and other collaborative technologies) to support the process of creating HL7 standards.
  2. to have a Wikimeet. A Wikimeet is a meeting of people within HL7 that use a Wiki. Being able to see the changes that are happening adds an interesting factor to the wiki philosophy. Simultaneously working on various areas of the Wiki in many cases provides a huge boost in productivity.