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Clinician on FHIR - May 2017 Madrid, Spain

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The May 2017 Clinician-on-FHIR event will be hosted on Friday May 12, 2017.

Weekly preparatory conference calls are being hosted on Tuesdays at 5:00 - 6:00 pm US Eastern.

First Clinician-on-FHIR call starts: Tuesday January 24, 2017

Conference call details: please see HL7 email broadcast


Master Plan for Baltimore Clinicians on FHIR - May 2017 - placeholder

Tracks to be addressed and leadership

- Details to be included

Planning Notes

  • Wiki Page - To be included

Goal = create at least one (or more if possible) meaningful example(s) (actual JSON resource instance) for each FHIR resource otherwise the limitation of the FHIR resource is identified.

Planning Calendar

  • March 7 - Refine plans for Care Plan Track
  • March 14 - David Hay - Walk through the new interface, tool Q&A
  • March 21 - Refine plans for Medications (Rob H. out)
  • March 28 - Refine plans for Diagnostics and ordering (Laura out)
  • April 4 - Clinical Maturity Model
  • April 11 - Adverse Event (do not move this one - Russ available)
  • April 18 - OPEN (ClinFHIR tool freeze)
  • April 25 - OPEN (Russ out)
  • May 2 - Last Minute prep and orientation

Tooling and Supporting Information

  • Tool
- Participants registered for the Clinician-on-FHIR event are strongly recommended to familiarise themselves with the clinFHIR tool
- A new user interface has been created to support creation of clinical story built from a set of FHIR resources based on the clinical scenario described in the Tracks section below
- Logon to the clinFHIR site:
- []
- Connect to the FHIR servers by selecting the appropriate Data Server (e.g. Public HAPI DSTU3), Conformance Server and Terminology Server
- click on the "Tool" icon on the top right hand corner of the clinFHIR page and select "simple builder" option
(Note - "simple builder" will soon be changed to "scenario builder")

  • Supporting Information
- To be included

Clinician-on-FHIR Tracks

Track 1 Diagnostic Ordering and Reporting

  • Track Lead: Rob Hausam
  • Clinical Scenario

Track 2 Care Plan and Care Team

Leads: Emma Jones, Laura Heermann

Include instructions as they fit...

  • To be determined

Track 3 Medications

Track leads: Melva Peters/ John Hatum

  • To be determined

Track 4 Adverse Event Resource

Track Lead: Russ Leftwich with help on use cases from Elaine, Margaret and Lindsey

  • specifically test the ability of the resource to fully represent an allergic reaction.
  • Specifically test a range of use cases that would fall under this and see if it works or not..
    • such as:
      • Drug drug interaction
      • non immunologic reaction that is undiagnosed at the onset (a physiologic change that is sudden and unexpected - an intolernance... such as severe abdominal pain an vomiting)
      • Medication error
      • procedure error
      • patient fall
      • Needle stick

Track 5 UK Follow up...

Russ L to reach out to Philip Scott - to explore interest.
