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Clinical Quality Information WG September 2018, Baltimore, MD

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Revision as of 18:47, 25 September 2018 by Pcraig (talk | contribs)
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  • Quarters
    • Q1: 9:00 - 10:30 am
    • Q2: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
    • Q3: 1:45 - 3:00 pm
    • Q4: 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Agenda for September 2018 WGM Baltimore, MD

  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Monday -
    • Tuesday - KP Unavailable Q1
    • Wednesday - Floyd unavailable Q2, KP Unavailable Q1, Yan unavailable Q4
    • Thursday - Juliet/KP/Yan unavailable all day
    • Friday - Juliet/KP/Yan/Patty/Floyd unavailable all day
  • Potential Topics
    • TBD

Link to CDS Workgroup September WGM Agenda

Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Saturday September 29 AM Q1 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q5 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Sunday September 30 AM Q1 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q5 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Monday October 1 AM Q1 HL7 Plenary Session n/a n/a Constellation AB
Q2 HL7 Plenary Session n/a n/a Constellation AB
PM Q3 Technical med.gif OO Hosts CQI, CDS and CIMI
  • Topics:
    • Device Use Statement Resource Proposal (OO Agenda)
    • Catalog Update?
    • Observation Profile Principles
    • Vital Sign Post Coordination
    • Dental PSSs (last 15 min)
n/a n/a Baltimore
Business med.gif Mega Workgroup Report Out (EHR Hosting) n/a n/a Constellation CD
Q4 Business med.gif CQI MEETING
  • Topics:
    • Agenda Review
    • Tentative: Public Health electronic Case Reporting (eCR) and Public Health Reporting Activities (John Loonsk)
    • QRDA Category I (STU 5.1) Update and Category III Discussion
    • CQL-based HQMF potential errata (STU Comment Review)
    • Note: FHIR Infrastructure FHIR Workflow Cancelled
Floyd Patty Constellation E
Tuesday October 2 AM Q1 Business med.gif CQI MEETING
  • Topics:
    • Brief overview of WG activities
    • Agenda Review and update as needed
    • WG health/administration issues
    • Project Planning and PSS Review for January Ballot
    • Coordinate ballot reconciliation scheduling items with other WGs
Yan Patty Guest Room 318
Q2 Technical med.gif CQI Hosts CDS and FHIR Infrastructure
  • Topics
    • FHIR Exchange of Data for Quality Measures (project 1429) - Ballot Reconciliation
    • Da Vinci Update
    • FHIR Tracker Items - Clinical Reasoning
KP Juliet Constellation E
Technical med.gif CQI sends representatives to EHR
  • Topics:
    • Usability Project Update

Note: CIC is also invited.

n/a n/a Chesapeake B
PM Q3 Technical med.gif CDS Hosts CQI and FHIR
  • Proposed Topics
    • CDS Hooks Project Update/Connectathon Report Out
    • FHIR Clinical Reasoning Project Update/Connectathon Report Out
    • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
n/a n/a Constellation CD
Q4 Technical med.gif PC Hosts CQI, Vocab, Pharm, CIMI, SD, OO, and CG
  • Topics (Patient Care WG Agenda)
    • Negation Modeling
    • Core binding strength issues (harmonization across realms and standard families)
    • Other vocab topics - status and outcome metadata for Procedure

NOTE: Birds of a Feather: Reporting with FHIR (hosted by Public Health) Q5 - 5:15 PM (Location TBD)
A number of different health programs (public health surveillance, condition registries, quality measurement, population health monitoring, and some research) need reporting from Electronic Health Records. These programs also need to accomplish their goals with minimized healthcare burden. This Birds of a Feather session will focus on identifying common design elements for FHIR-based reporting; what elements programs can share and what approaches can minimize EHR infrastructure demands and yet accomplish program outcomes.

n/a n/a Constellation AB
Wednesday October 3 AM Q1 Technical med.gif CQI Hosts CIMI and CDS
  • Topics:
    • QI Core - QDM-mapping and Argonaut issues
    • CIMI - update to CQI and CDS
    • CQL Project Update
    • Quality Improvement IG discussions
Juliet Floyd Constellation E
Q2 Technical med.gif CQI Hosts CDS
  • Topics:
    • Brian Alper: EBM on FHIR project update/Connectathon report out (30 min)
    • Gaps in Care - Follow up
KP Juliet Constellation E
PM Q3 Technical med.gif CQI Hosts Pharmacy and CDS
  • Proposed Topics:
    • DDI (Drug-Drug Interaction)
    • FHIR Tracker Items - Clinical Reasoning
Yan Patty Constellation E
Q4 Technical med.gif CDS Hosts CIMI and CQI
  • Proposed Topics:
    • CIMI for Quality (overflow)
    • QI Core update - QUICK?
    • Clinical Information Modeling and Profiling Language (CIMPL) (Mark Kramer)
    • January (San Antonio) WGM planning

Question - Was CIMI invited?

n/a n/a Constellation E
Thursday October 4 AM Q1 Business med.gif CQI Closing Business Meeting
  • Topics:
    • TBD
Floyd Patty Guest Room 318
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 Technical med.gif CQI sends representatives to Learning Health Systems (Also with CIC, PC, PH)
  • Proposed Topics:
    • Care Team DAM
n/a n/a Constellation C
Friday October 5 AM Q1 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a


  • Work Group business meeting Business med.gif
  • Ballot Reconciliation meeting Reconciliation med.gif
  • Work Group technical discussion Technical med.gif