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Clinical Quality Information WG September 2017 San Diego, CA

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Revision as of 18:05, 13 September 2017 by Pcraig (talk | contribs)
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  • Quarters
    • Q1: 9:00 - 10:30 am
    • Q2: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
    • Q3: 1:45 - 3:00 pm
    • Q4: 3:30 - 5:00 pm
  • Draft Agenda for September 2017 WGM - San Diego, California, USA
  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Monday -
    • Tuesday - Walter, Floyd unavailable Tuesday Q3, Q4
    • Wednesday -
    • Thursday -
  • Potential Topics

Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday Sep 10 AM Q1 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q5 Meet and Greet time and location: n/a n/a n/a
Monday Sep 11 AM Q1 HL7 Plenary Session n/a n/a Aventine ABCG
Q2 HL7 Plenary Session n/a n/a Aventine ABCG
  • Topics:
    • Review week's agenda
    • Behavioral Health presentation
    • QI Core update
Floyd Patty Delphi A
Business med.gif Joint Workgroup Meeting (EHR Hosting)
  • CQI sends Representatives
  • Topics:
    • Mega Workgroup Report Out
n/a n/a Vicino Ballroom
Q4 Technical med.gif CQI MEETING
  • Topics:
    • QI Core update
    • New Proposals
    • QRDA Cat I R5 Ballot Reconciliation
KP Patty Delphi A
Tuesday Sep 12 AM Q1 Reconciliation med.gif CQI MEETING
  • Topics:
    • QRDA Cat I R5 Ballot Reconciliation
KP Patty Delphi A
Q2 Technical med.gif Joint with CDS, FHIR-I (CQI hosting)
  • Topics:
    • CDS Hooks informal comments review
    • Infobutton in CDS Hooks
    • Updated/new PSS for CQF on FHIR and CDS Hooks
Floyd Patty Rhodes
Technical med.gif Joint with EHR, CIC (EHR Hosting)
  • CQI sends Representatives
  • Topics:
    • Usability Project Update
n/a n/a Aventine D
PM Q3 Technical med.gif Joint with CDS and FHIR-I (CDS Hosting)
  • Proposed Topics:
    • CDS Hooks informal comments review
    • Future of QI Core/modeling activities and vendor support for required FHIR profiles
    • Infobutton in CDS Hooks
    • Updated/new PSS for CQF on FHIR and CDS Hooks
n/a n/a Aventine F
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif CQI MEETING
  • Topics:
    • QRDA Cat I R5 Ballot Reconciliation
Yan Patty Delphi A
Wednesday Sep 13 AM Q1 Technical med.gif Joint with CIMI, CDS (CQI Hosting)
  • Topics:
    • CDS KNART project
    • Demo of authoring process for the VA KNART Project
    • Public Health FHIR Case Reporting PSS - consider co-sponsorship
    • Future of QI Core/modeling activities
    • Other topics as proposed
Floyd Patty Vicino Ballroom
Q2 Technical med.gif Joint with CDS (CQI Hosting)
  • Topics:
    • CDS Hooks informal comments review
    • CDS PSS discussion
    • FHIR tracker item reconciliation and FHIR goals
    • January meeting planning
    • Report out on Tooling activities
    • Other topics as proposed
Walter Patty Aventine D
Technical med.gif Joint with CIC (CIC Hosting)
  • CQI sends Representatives
  • Topics:
    • Other topics as proposed
n/a n/a Athenia A
PM Q3 Technical med.gif Joint Meeting with PC, CDS, RCRIM, OO, FHIR (PC Hosting)
  • Proposed Topics:
    • Review HL7 approaches to Appropriate Use Criteria
    • Boundaries between ProcedureRequest/Procedure vs MedicationRequest/MedicationAdministration for blood transfusions and radiation (i.e. anything with a dose, but isn't a medication)
    • Do we need a new resource for BiologicallyDerivedProduct? Boundaries between Specimen / Device / Medication boundaries

Related Zulip discussions:

  • Related trackers:
    • GF#13047 (request to add DosageInstructions to Procedure)
    • GF#12993 (request for a new Administration resource)
    • GF#8458 (request asking for a new BiologicallyDerivedProduct resource)
  • If time remaining, look at GF#12415 and GF#12428 together with CDS
n/a n/a Vicino Ballroom
Q4 Technical med.gif Joint with CDS, CIMI (CDS Hosting)
  • Topics:
    • Cross-Paradigm Storyboard Artifact Development
    • CIMI for Quality
n/a n/a Vicino Ballroom
Thursday Sep 14 AM Q1 Business med.gif CQI MEETING
  • Topics:
    • Next Steps
    • QRDA Data Sharing User Guide - plans for ballot review
    • Plan for January 2018 meeting
    • Other?
Yan Patty Guest Room 312
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Friday Sep 15 AM Q1 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q2 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
PM Q3 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a
Q4 NO MEETING n/a n/a n/a


  • Work Group business meeting Business med.gif
  • Ballot Reconciliation meeting Reconciliation med.gif
  • Work Group technical discussion Technical med.gif