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Clinical Information Modeling Initiative Work Group

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Click here for the May 2018 WGM Cologne Agenda

Executive Summary

Getting Started

Are you new to CIMI or just want to get oriented with our work? If so, please visit our Getting Started Guide.






  • To encourage Information Model consistency, traceability and reuse:
    • CIMI collaborates with other workgroups and organizations, which are governed apart from HL7.
    • These projects are voluntarily being harmonized using CIMI Principles and Reference Models (e.g., PC, CQI, CDS, EHR, HSPC, etc.).
    • Externally-developed CIMI-compliant information-models can be donated to HL7 for
      • HL7 configuration management, peer review and standardization.

Collaboration Projects

  • CIMI Project 1316, Integration of Information Models and Tools (IIM&T), [Steve Hufnagel & Nona Hall, facilitators]
  • FHIM integration of CIMI Clinical BMM & Archetypes (Patterns) *1 [Galen Mulrooney]
  • US Core / QI Core integration of CIMI BMM & Archetypes (Patterns) *1 [Claude Nanjo]
  • Patient Care Project 1253 "CIMI Clinical Model Proof of Concept" (Skin Wound Assessment)
  • Clinical Decision Support Workgroup's Quality measures *2 [Ken Kawamoto and Claude Nanjo]
  • Refine PROCEDURE and CONTEXT based on Pilots *1 (Galen Mulrooney and Claude Nanjo)
  • Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) – HSPC pilot with ACOG *3 [Stan Huff, Susan Matney]
  • Device interfaces MDEpiNet. *3 [Julia Skapik]
  • FHIR JET (Joint Exploratory Team) *3 Nona Hall, IPO, VA,


  • 2010-05 – CIMI became an IHTSDO workgroup
  • 2016-01 – CIMI became an HL7 workgroup
  • 2016 Jan-Sep – CIMI-sponsored HL7 IIM&T investigative study
  • 2016-08 ONC, FHA and IPO sponsored IIM&T Technical Forum
  • 2016-09 CIMI-sponsored HL7 IIM&T Project *1316
  • 2017-01 HL7 comments-only ballot
  • 2017-05 HL7 Informative Standard
  • 2017-09 No ballot
  • 2018-01 HL7 Informative Standard
  • 2018-09 HL7 Standard for Trial Use (STU)
  • 2019-09 HL7 Normative Standard
  • NOTES:
    • Added domains can add-to BMM.
    • Added use-cases can add-to Reference Architypes, DCMs and FHIR profiles and extensions.


To inculcate the reuse of CIMI's principles, methodology, architecture, and artifacts (e.g., CLIM, FHIR and CDA profiles and extensions):

  • collaboration with other projects and organizations. (see "References" below)
  • informative and useful CIMI web-site and wiki (see "References" below)
  • Free for use CIMI artefacts and open-source tools (see "References" below)
  • "The CIMI Practitioners' Guide" is intended for non-modelers.
  • "The CIMI Architecture, Methodology and Style Guide" is in each ballot package and is intended for modelers.
  • CIMI Newsletters are published before and updated during each workgroup meeting.


“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” [Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll]

IIM&T References

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

 <<Theodore Roosevelt, Apr 23, 1910, Sorbonne, Paris, France>>

Supporting documents


Collaboration that Grows with a Strong SME Base

  • the contents of this Guide came from
    • CIMI Co-Chairs
    • Linda Bird BIT, IHTSDO
    • Galen Mulrooney, FHA and VA contractor
    • Richard Esmond, PenRad LLC
    • Stanley Huff, Intermountain Healthcare
  • Members of the following SDOs
    • IHTSDO, POC: Linda Bird BIT
    • HL7 Work Groups (PC, CDS, CIC, EHR, SOA, Vocab)
    • The Open Group Healthcare Forum, Jason Lee POC
    • ISO/CEN, POCs: Gerard Freriks, William Goossen, Gary Dickinson
  • Federal Agency staff and contractors
    • Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, Interagency Program Office
    • Federal Drug Agency, Center for Disease Control
    • Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), Office of Science and Technology (OST)
    • Federal Health Architecture (FHA)
  • Members of the following Healthcare Organizations
    • Intermountain Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente, Mayo, MITRE, PenRad, Inc., Results4Care
    • HSPC and other interested parties
  • Faculty, Staff and Students
    • Duke University
    • The University of Utah

CIMI Minutes

<<< Updated after each Thursday's Telecoms >>>

CIMI Newsletters

<<< Updated Quarterly >>>

CIMI Practitioners' Guide

<<< Working-Draft (not for official use) Document for Stakeholder Verification and Validation >>>

CIMI Modeling, Architecture, Methodology and Style Guides

<<< Updated each ballot cycle >>>

CIMI 2010-2015 Archive (from Mayo wiki)

<<< This archive was last modified on 20 February 2015 >>>
<<< Transition of Mayo-Wiki content to HL7-Wiki is underway >>>