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Clinical Information Modeling Initiative Work Group

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Executive Summary


  1. FHA SIGG (MDHT, MDMI) also produces SSA, CMS, FPG JET IPO (DES and eHMP) standard FHIR profiles, extensions and implementation artifacts,
    1. FHA’s MDMI RI supports all MU2 data elements and >90% of the C-CDA model.
      1. See at
    2. The present MDMI Referent Index (RI) scope is the US Core; where, FHIM is used for data-element value-sets.
  2. NLM’s VSAC (https://vsac.nlm) provides downloadable access to 2014 electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs). vocabulary value sets
    1. Each value set consists of the numerical values (codes) and human-readable names (terms),
    2. VCodes are drawn from standard vocabularies such as SNOMED CT®, RxNorm, LOINC and ICD-10-CM, such as
      1. eCQMs for patients with diabetes, clinical visits, etc.
  3. HL7's IIM&T Project working-draft documentation
    1. See


  1. To encourage Information Model consistency, traceability and reuse:
    1. CIMI collaborates with other workgroups and organizations, which are governed apart from HL7.
    2. These projects are voluntarily being harmonized using CIMI Principles and Reference Models (e.g., PC, CQI, CDS, EHR, HSPC, etc.).
    3. Externally-developed CIMI-compliant information-models can be donated to HL7 for
      1. HL7 configuration management, peer review and standardization.


    1. FHIM integration of CIMI Clinical BMM & Archetypes (Patterns) #1 [Galen Mulrooney]
    2. US Core / QI Core integration of CIMI BMM & Archetypes (Patterns) #1 [Claude Nanjo]
    3. Patient Care Project 1253 "CIMI Clinical Model Proof of Concept" (Skin Wound Assessment)
      1. See
      2. content #1 [Jay Lyle and Susan Matney]
      3. Terminology/SNOMED Expressions #1 [Jay Lyle and Susan Matney]
      4. SOLOR (SNOMED extension including LOINC and RxNorm) #1 [Keith Campbell and Susan Matney]
    4. Clinical Decision Support Workgroup's Quality measures #2 [Ken Kawamoto and Claude Nanjo]
    5. Refine PROCEDURE and CONTEXT based on Pilots #1 (Galen Mulrooney and Claude Nanjo)
    6. Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) – HSPC pilot with ACOG #3 [Stan Huff, Susan Matney]
    7. Device interfaces MDEpiNet. #3 [Julia Skapik]
    8. FHIR JET (Joint Exploratory Team) #3 Nona Hall, IPO, VA,


  1. 2010-05 – CIMI became an IHTSDO workgroup
  2. 2016-01 – CIMI became an HL7 workgroup
  3. 2016 Jan-Sep – CIMI-sponsored HL7 IIM&T investigative study
    1. CIMI Final Report:!AlkpZJej6nh_k9dlCRdJv51X0tFp9A
  4. 2016-08 ONC, FHA and IPO sponsored IIM&T Technical Forum
  5. 2016-09 CIMI-sponsored HL7 IIM&T Project #1316
    1. HL7 Project Scope Statement:!AlkpZJej6nh_k_1Hi-yFatfOvK8-gQ
  6. 2017-01 HL7 comments-only ballot
    1. See!AlkpZJej6nh_k_gcfdRN95Q8rmJDsQ
  7. 2017-05 HL7 Informative Standard
  8. 2017-09 HL7 Standard for Trial Use (STU)
  9. 2018-09 HL7 Standard for Trial Use (STU)
  10. 2019-09 HL7 Normative Standard
  11. NOTES:
    1. Added domains can add-to BMM.
    2. Added use-cases can add-to Reference Architypes, DCMs and FHIR profiles and extensions.


To inculcate the reuse of CIMI's principles, methodology, architecture, and artifacts (e.g., CLIM, FHIR and CDA profiles and extensions):

  • collaboration with other projects and organizations. (see "References" below)
  • informative and useful CIMI web-site and wiki (see "References" below)
  • Free for use CIMI artefacts and open-source tools (see "References" below)
  • "The CIMI Practitioners' Guide" is intended for non-modelers.
  • "The CIMI Architecture, Methodology and Style Guide" is in each ballot package and is intended for modelers.
  • CIMI Newsletters are published before and updated during each workgroup meeting.


  1. BMM is CIMI Basic Meta Model components of the CIMI Reference Model (Architecture), used to harmonize the independently-developed Information models
  2. See
  3. CDA is HL7 Clinical Data Architecture. See
  4. C-CDA is HL7 Consolidated CDA. See
  5. CEM is Intermountain Clinical Element Models See
  6. CDS is HL7 Clinical Decision Support workgroup. See
  7. CIMI is HL7 Clinical Information Model Initiative. See
  8. CIMI Principles See
  9. CIMI Reference Models (aka Information Architecture) See
  10. CLIM Package of SOLOR, FHIM, CQF, CIMI DCMs, used to generate FHIR Profiles and Extensions, contains Federated CIMI-harmonized Clinical Logical Information Models, where, independent organizations maintain the component models and HL7 periodically configuration manages, ballots and standardizes them.
  11. CQF is ONC Clinical Quality Framework. See
  12. CQI is HL7 Clinical Quality Initiative workgroup. See
  13. DAF is ONC Data Access Framework (US Core). See
  14. DCM is CIMI Detailed Clinical Models. See
  15. FHIM is Federal Health Information Model; where, FHIM specifies healthcare domains and their data modules and their data elements.
    1. See
  16. FHIR is HL7 Fast Healthcare Information Resource standard and workgroup. See
  17. HcDir is ONC-FHA Provider Healthcare Directory. See
  18. IIM&T Is CIMI-sponsored HL7 Integration of Information Models & Tools Project.
  19. See
  20. JET is DoD-VA Joint Exploratory Team.
  21. KNART is CDS Knowledge Artifact. See
  22. MDHT is SIGG Model Driven Health Tool. See
  23. MDMI is SIGG Model Driven Message Interoperability.
    1. See and
  24. NIEM is National Information Exchange Package. See
  25. QI Core is FHIR Quality Improvement Core Implementation Guide . See
  26. QUICK is CQI Quality Information and Clinical Knowledge logical model, used to specify eCQMs and FHIR QI Core.
    1. See
  27. RI is SIGG-MDMI Referent Index. See
  28. SIGG is FHA Standards Implementation Guide Generator
  29. SOLOR is VA’s SnOmed LOinc, Rxnorm; where, HSPC hosts the SOLOR project to provide the terminology foundation for model development.
  30. VSAC is NLM Value Set Authority Center.


Collaboration that Grows with a Strong SME Base

  • the contents of this Guide came from
    • CIMI Co-Chairs
    • Linda Bird BIT, IHTSDO
    • Galen Mulrooney, FHA and VA contractor
    • Richard Esmond, PenRad LLC
    • Stanley Huff, Intermountain Healthcare
  • Members of the following SDOs
    • IHTSDO, POC: Linda Bird BIT
    • HL7 Work Groups (PC, CDS, CIC, EHR, SOA, Vocab)
    • The Open Group Healthcare Forum, Jason Lee POC
    • ISO/CEN, POCs: Gerard Freriks, William Goossen, Gary Dickinson
  • Federal Agency staff and contractors
    • Department of Defense
    • Veterans Administration
    • Interagency Program Office
    • ONC OST
    • Federal Health Architecture (FHA)
    • MITRE
  • Members of the following Healthcare Organizations** Intermountain Healthcare
    • PenRad, Inc., Results4Care
    • HSPC and other interested parties
  • Faculty, Staff and Students
    • The University of Utah

CIMI Minutes

<<< Updated after each Thursday's Telecoms >>>

CIMI Newsletters

<<< Updated Quarterly >>>

CIMI Practitioners' Guide

<<< Working-Draft (not for official use) Document for Stakeholder Verification and Validation >>>

CIMI Architecture, Methodology and Style Guides

<<< Updated each ballot cycle >>>

CIMI 2010-2015 Archive (from Mayo wiki)

<<< This archive was last modified on 20 February 2015 >>>
<<< Transition of Mayo-Wiki content to HL7-Wiki is underway >>>