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Financial Management
Financial Management
==Committee Approval Date:==
==Committee Approval Date:==
7 Feb 2018 (Simone Heckman, Brian Postlethwaite 2-0-1)
==Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups==
==Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups==

Revision as of 20:38, 7 February 2018


Owning committee name

Financial Management

Committee Approval Date:

7 Feb 2018 (Simone Heckman, Brian Postlethwaite 2-0-1)

Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

Patient Administration

FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID


Scope of coverage

The existing ChargeItem Resource specifies the instance of a charge item that documents billable codes for items and services rendered. The details, prices and rules associated with billing codes exist however, independent from these instances. Following up on the discussion in Zulip, such details should be kept in separate Resources and not as properties of the codes, as such things as prices may change over time and independently from the CodeSystem lifecycle.

RIM scope


Resource appropriateness

Tracking Financial information is vital in Patient Administration and Finance systems in most Healthcare Organizations. This resource provides the properties that apply to the (billing) codes necessary to calculate costs and prices. The properties may differ largely depending on type and realm, therefore this resource gives only a rough structure and requires profiling for each type of billing code system.

Expected implementations

  • Any solution that tracks billing information and needs to calculate prices and cost

Content sources

• German statutory health services billing catalogue:

Please note that all such catalog definitions will be realm specific and need profiles for the ChargeItemDefinition in order to be useful.

Example Scenarios

  • Invoicing

In order to determine the actual price of a ChargeItem (when becoming an Invoice.lineItem) a billing engine needs to know base/unit prices, applicable surcharges and discounts and the rules associated with their application. The ChargeItemDefinition provides this information in an exchangeable and standardized form.

Resource Relationships

Referenced by:

  • ChargeItem.definition


The aim is to have a draft (Maturity 0) ready for 4.0 timeline.

gForge Users

brianpos simoneheckmann

When Resource Proposal Is Complete

When you have completed your proposal, please send an email to