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Catalog Service FSM Action Items

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 17:31, 5 April 2017 by Cnanjo (talk | contribs)
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[March 15, 2017]

  • Upload Catalog Entry Spreadsheet and test download with build tool (Claude - DONE)
  • Complete Composition Ask for SD (Claude - DONE)
  • Start with Composition FHIR Profile and test download with build tool (Claude - PENDING)
  • Update FHIR alignment spreadsheet (Claude - NOT DONE)
  • Prepare FHIR resource proposal for Catalog Entry
  • Collect use cases for catalogs (Jose)
    • Pull all use cases together (Claude/Jose)
  • Need a page for meeting notes and agenda items (Claude)
  • Arrange some time in Madrid with SD to discuss composition resource (Lorraine)