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== Invite New Conversation Participants==
== Invite New Conversation Participants==
== Respond to Conversation Invitation==
== Find All Conversation Participants ==
== Find All Conversation Participants ==

Revision as of 20:59, 26 February 2013


Capabilities express "abilit[ies] that an organization, person or system possesses" [1]. Capabilities are independent of business process and they express the "what" rather than the "how".

Capabilities may outlive specific technical specifications or implementations that realize business processes. They may be represented in HL7 V2, V3 or V10 but they will endure and continue to represent what the business does and what services in technology X will need to perform.

Capabilities may be aggregated into logical groupings which may map to interfaces but they will simply be represented here as logical capability sets.

The Care Coordination capabilities comprise the core of the normative content specified in by the CCS HSSP Service Functional Model 2.

Care Collaboration - Collaboration Network

Invite to Collaborate

Respond to Collaboration Invitation

Find All Collaboration Participants

Care Collaboration - Conversation

Care Team Chat Communications

Invite New Conversation Participants

Respond to Conversation Invitation

Find All Conversation Participants

Care Collaboration - Availability

Indicate Personal Availability for Collaboration

Find Participant Availability for Collaboration

Care Collaboration - Semantic Tagging

Tag Collaborative Content

Care Observations and Assessment

Capture Subjective and Objective Patient Observations

Capability Status



Reviewers Here






Business Exception Conditions

Relationship to Levels of Conformance (or Other Patterns)

Aspects Left to OMG to Specify


Outstanding Issues

Capture Causative or Interpretative Observation Links

Replace Prior Observations

Specify Assessment Scales to Guide Observation Process

Care Planning - Plan Life Cycle

Establish Plan

Revise Plan

Retire Plan

Care Planning -

Care Plan Implementation

Care Plan Review

Template for Capability Details

Please copy and paste the following wiki markup when adding new capabilities.

Capability Status



Link of reviewers doodle poll when approved


[Mandatory] A business-friendly name describing the context of the motivating scenario, and is unique within this Functional Model (e.g., “Find a Person” vs. FindPerson)


[Mandatory] High-level [functional] description of the expected behavior


[Mandatory] Business Pre-conditions [may be null], i.e. what conditions must have been satisfied before the action can be requested or carried out


[Mandatory] Inputs [include both mandatory and optional]


[Mandatory] Outputs [include both mandatory and optional]


[Optional] Business Post-conditions, i.e. what conditions will result from the action being carried out.

Business Exception Conditions

[Mandatory] Business Exception Conditions [may be null]

Relationship to Levels of Conformance (or Other Patterns)

[Optional] Relationship to levels of conformance (or other patterns)

Aspects Left to OMG to Specify

Enumeration of aspects left to the technical specification [may be null]


Outstanding Issues