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Difference between revisions of "CTS2 DSTU Corrections and Enhancements"

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Line 42: Line 42:
| Assure multilingual representation
| Assure multilingual representation
| All the attributes that are indicating a representation of text such as the , "description", "provenanceDetails", "administrativeInfo" should be represented by a format supporting translations.   
| All the attributes that are indicating a representation of text such as the , "description", "provenanceDetails", "administrativeInfo" should be represented by a format supporting translations.   
| 5
| Return Code System Version Details 
| 6
| List Code System Supplements
| 7
| Return Code System Supplement Details
| 8
| List Jurisdictional Domains
| 9
| Return Jurisdictional Domain Details

Revision as of 14:04, 19 June 2012


# Description Rationale Resolution
1 Hierarcy in Concept Domain There is no hierarchy present in the ConceptDomains in the conceptual model. This can be achieved in two ways.

The simplest way is by adding a recursive link in the conceptual diagram, as well as mentioning this fact in the Core Principle text. There is another way through which this can be achieved, by adding associations between concepts domains. This will allow for finer typing of the relationships between concept domains, not just parent-child relationships.

The following are enancements to the DSTU from a functional point of view. Some of them are present in the PIM but not in the DSTU, so they might be an oversight. Some operations too are also an obvious oversight, so they are not really enhancements.


# Description Rationale Resolution
1 Binding to a single code. The way the HL7 CTS2 Conceptual model is now does not allow for the binding of a single code; the binding being done through a ValueSetContextBinding. Use a link between the CodeSystemConceptCode and ValueSetContextBinding.
2 Change ValueSetContextBinding into Binding The binding is not just done through just the value sets as mentioned it can be done through a code. Furthermore, there are value sets that are not bound to the UsageContext only but also to the Concept Domain (like in the MIF file). Use a link between the CodeSystemConceptCode and ValueSetContextBinding.
3 Change Cardinality in Binding from 1 to 0..1 The creation and definition of a concept domain is done by HL7. Many templates are made by IHE and not by HL7. Binding takes places generally between a template and a value set (or a version of a value set). The concept domain is “forgotten”, or implicitly included in the template via the context it describes (in its title, or the subject described in the template, or in the text of the template). This means that in reality we only bind two entities (no Concept Domain). Replace 1 by 0 so that there is a binding between two entities possible
4 Assure multilingual representation All the attributes that are indicating a representation of text such as the , "description", "provenanceDetails", "administrativeInfo" should be represented by a format supporting translations.
5 Return Code System Version Details
6 List Code System Supplements
7 Return Code System Supplement Details
8 List Jurisdictional Domains
9 Return Jurisdictional Domain Details