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CTS2N - 19-June-12

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Revision as of 14:17, 19 June 2012 by Rhamm (talk | contribs)
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Minutes 19-June-2012

Roll Call

  • Ana Estelrich (AE)
  • Monica Harry (MH)
  • Dennis Scott (DS)
  • Russell Hamm (RH)

  • Senthil Nachimuthu (regrets)
  • Brian Schweiller (regrets)
  • Kevin Peterson (regrets)
  • Craig Stancl (regrets)
  • Senthil Nachimuthu (regrets)
  • Frank Oemig (regrets)

Agenda Check

  • No changes or additions requested


Action Item Review

  • Action item: Russ to ask HS and CS about how this is managed.
    • Complete. Harold provided a solution, which genreated another question. Suggest bringing Harold and Nicolas together on a future call where this is the topic.
  • Action item: Contact Frank Oemig to see if he is willing to summarize how ECCF can apply to the CTS2 work.
    • Pending
  • Action item: Ana will create two tables for Russ to put on a wiki with the corrections and the enhancements (2 separate tables as we might have to deal with them in a different way).
    • Pending

Traceability Matrix Working Session

Preliminary agenda items for next week

  • Include Harold and Nicolas to discuss OID use in the PIM

Action Items