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CSCR-101-CSCG-Include language in Organizer

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Submitted by: Hans Buitendijk Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: 17-Jun-09 Change request ID: CSCR-101


The Genetic Variation model currently provides for a language code in their GeneticDocument class. Considering this is within scope of SC and to therefore remain derivable from CS, we need to add the language code to the Organizer class.


  • Add languageCode: CE CNE[0..1] < HumanLanguage to Organizer.



  • One of the considerations to solve this issue is to split Organizer into Plain Organizer (not needing this attribute) and Document Organizer (which would need this attribute).

Recommended Action Items


9-Jul-2009 Motion to incorporate [Rik's e-mail snippet] and only have this attribute as part of the new Document class. Rik, Charlie.

Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 3