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CSCR-084-PHER-Add Uncertainty Code

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Revision as of 10:29, 10 February 2009 by CVBishop (talk | contribs)
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Submitted by: Austin Kreisler Revision date: 11/24/2008
Submitted date: 11/24/2008 Change request ID: CSCR-084


Sometimes in public health reporting the relationship between two acts is unclear.


  • Add the uncertaintyCode attribute to the sourceOf2/targetOf and sourceOf1 act relationships in the CS model.


In one model for documenting exposures the relationship between an acquisition exposure event and a transmission exposure event may be uncertain.


Recommended Action Items

Add the following attribute to the sourceOf2/targetOf and sourceOf1 act relationships:

  • uncertaintyCode – CE CNE [0..1] <= ActUncertainty (optional)
    • (RIM) A code indicating whether the specific relationship between the source and target Acts has been asserted to be uncertain in any way.


29-Jan - Motion to accept. Austin Kreisler, Patrick Loyd
There is no degree to the level of certainty (certain, uncertain, no assertion of certainty).
Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 6

10 Feb 2009 - CSP v1.2.02 updated - CVB