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CGITWG May 2016 WGM Agenda

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Proposed CGIT Agenda for the May 2016 Working Group Meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Return to Conformance and Guidance for Implementation/Testing#Working Group Meeting Agendas and Minutes page.

Open Issues

  • Not complete yet
Day Time Icon Ver. Event Host joining Chair Scribe
Sunday AM Q1 not meeting
Q2 not meeting
PM Q3 not meeting
Q4 not meeting
Day Time   Icon Ver. Event Host joining Chair Scribe
Monday AM Q1
Business Meeting
  • approve agenda
  • approve minutes (Orlando)
  • conformance facilitator: establish a fixed quarter for facilitators to attend
  • follow-up action items
  • projects (review)
CGIT   Frank Rob
Technical Meeting
General Conformance Discussion
    V2 Basic Test Cases
    *Discussion on how to define basic HL7 v2 basic test cases for verifying support for basic encoding in Chapter 2
    Specification of Co-Constraints
    *Issues associated with giving constraints on items such as Observation (OBX)   segments. Every guide author is using different ways of defining the co-constraints.
    *Discuss ideas about how to standardize the expression of these co-constraints. 
    *Asking for feedback in regards to how this is done in other standards such as V3, FHIR, etc.  

CGIT - - -
Technical Meeting
General Conformance Discussion (cont).
  HL7 v2 Delete "" Discussion
  HL7 v2 Data Type Flavors Standardization

CGIT   Frank Rob
Technical Meeting
General Conformance Discussion (cont) Discussion continues (TBD)
  HL7 v2 Delete "" Discussion (cont.)
  HL7 v2 Data Type Flavors Standardization (cont.)

CGIT Rob Frank
Day Time   Icon Ver. Event Host joining Chair Scribe
Tuesday AM Q1
Technical Meeting
Conformance Tools

Items might include:

  • FHIR
  • Update on Message Workbench Status
  • NIST Conformance Tools - Open Discussion
  • NIST Conformance and Testing Productivity Tools
    • Implementation Guide Authoring and Management Tool (IGAMT) Update and Demo
    • Test Case Authoring and Management Tool (TCAMT) - Introduction and Demo
  • Other Profiling Tools
CGIT Rob Frank
Technical Meeting
Conformance Strategy

Discussion of Unified Strategy for Conformance

  • Discuss strategy to provide input to FHIR on conformance.
  • Discuss generic conformance format that may be applicable to any HL7 product line.
CGIT Ioana Frank
Technical Meeting
Need to connect with InM to see if we will meet. InM    
Technical Meeting
Wrap-up and Admin
  • September 2016 WGM agenda planning
  • Continuation of any topics
CGIT - Frank Nathan
Day Time   Icon Ver. Event Host joining Chair Scribe
Wednesday AM Q1 not meeting
Q2 not meeting
Technical Meeting
FHIR FHIR discussions
  • Implementation Guide
  • Conformance Rules
Other items...
CGIT FHIR, Templates, Vocab Frank Frank
Q4 not meeting
Day Time   Icon Ver. Event Host joining Attend Scribe
Thursday AM Q1
Technical Meeting
Vocab Continuation of Discussions from Weekly Calls Vocab CGIT Nathan, Frank, Rob -
Business Meeting
  • Joint w/Vocab: continuation of Q1 (Tables Project)
Vocab CGIT Rob, Frank -
Business Meeting
  • Joint w/Vocab: continuation of Q1 (Tables Project)
Vocab CGIT Frank -
Q4 not meeting
Day Time   Icon Ver. Event Host joining Chair Scribe
Friday AM Q1 not meeting
Q2 not meeting

Parking Lot

Discussion Items(s) TBD

Conformance usage to override required message elements in the base specification (Resolved on list serve need to document outcome for wider community.)

Moving the Conformance chapter out of the HL7 v2 Standard

  • Need to continue working on the position statement pros/cons
  • Wait until moving to v2+ before making changes. Need to formalize the position statement so we can elevate it up to the steering committee.
  • Rob will clean up the position statement, based on the notes from the September meeting, so we can have a formal review.
  • Discuss revising the message profile/xml/json representation based on best practices developed by NIST

Test Data Categorizations

  • Testing associated to specific test cases. Need to review the categories.

Request for Feedback on Project to Document HL7 v2 Interfaces

  • Present and Discuss Effort to Profile and Document current HL7 V2 Interfaces (e.g. Immunization Information Systems)

v2.9 Proposals (Parked proposals for waiting for v2+):

  • Message Profile Identifiers (Managing multiple versions-OIDs)
  • Managing Value Set OIDs (How to specify in MSH.21)
  • Harmonized Data Type Flavors in Profiling (e.g., TS_1, TS_2, etc.)
  • Specifying explicit conformance statements in the base standard and IGs
  • Replace CWE/CNE/etc. with simple and complex coded element??