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CDS WG Agenda 2016-05

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Clinical Decision Support Work Group Agenda May 2016 (5/7-5/13) Work Group Meeting, Montreal, Canada

Primary CDS Work Group meeting will be from Wed and Thurs

FYI for CQI Work Group Meeting agenda:

Discussion Items pending allocation of time

Saturday and Sunday: FHIR Connectathon

There will be a track on CDS and eCQM

Monday: no official meetings

Q3 and Q4: CDS reps invited to join FHIR Infrastructure, FHIR Management, II, InM, MnM, O&O, and PC - Agenda: Workflow discussion.

Tuesday: no official meetings.

Q3: CDS reps invited to join Patient Care re: CCDA and QRDA/QUIK harmoniztion; Condition Status, Allergy, Care Plan QDM Clinical Status value set discussions

Wed Q1: Joint with CQI, hosted by CQI

Proposed discussion items:

- CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation

- Data Model - FHIR Quality Logical View / QUICK

Wed Q2: Regular session

- GELLO re-ballot completion

- (potentially other agenda items identified by WG members)

- CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation (with CDS focus)

- Data Model - CIMI/FHIR/QUICK

Wed Q3: Regular session

- GELLO re-ballot completion

- CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation (with CDS focus)

- Data Model - CIMI/FHIR/QUICK

- Patient Care invites reps from CDS, O&O, RCRIM, CQI, FHIR-I for: Care Plan / Order sets discussion

Wed Q4: Joint session hosting CQI and CIMI

- Should see if can get FHIR representation

- CIMI-based data modeling

Thurs Q1: Regular session

- CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation (with CDS focus)

- Data Model - CIMI/FHIR/QUICK

- Sept ballot cycle planning

- Also, O&O invites reps from PC,Templates, and CDS

Thurs Q2: CQI hosts CDS and FHIR reps.

- CQF on FHIR, including ballot reconciliation

- Data Model - CIMI/FHIR/QUICK

Thurs Q3: CDS hosts CQI and FHIR reps

- FHIRPath/CQL discussion

- CQF on FHIR, including ballot reconciliation

- Data Model - CIMI/FHIR/QUICK

- CDS Hooks

Next WGM coordination and planning

Thurs Q4: Regular meeting

- Overflow discussion

- Anticipate may be canceled