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CDS WG Agenda 2016-01

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Tentative Clinical Decision Support Work Group Agenda Jan 2016 (1/10-16) Work Group Meeting, Orlando, Florida

Primary CDS Work Group meeting will be from Wed and Thurs

Discussion Items pending allocation of time

Saturday and Sunday: FHIR Connectathon

There will be a track on CDS

Monday: no official meetings

Q3 and Q4: CDS reps invited to join FHIR Infrastructure for Workflow discussion. Inquiry initiated on proposal for CDS to be owning workgroup for this. Claude Nanjo planning to join.

Q4: CDS reps invited to join SOA for update on CDS-related service project updates including Clinical Decision Support Service. Claude Nanjo and Emory Fry planning to join. Bryn Rhodes may be able to join as well.

Tuesday: no official meetings. See CQI agenda for relevant discussion -

Q3: CDS reps invited to join Patient Care re: C-CDA and QRDA/QUICK harmonization and clinical status value set discussions

Wed Q1: Joint with SD and CQI, hosted by CQI

Proposed discussion items:

MeasureResponse FHIR resource and relationship to QRDA

Wed Q2: Regular session

- CDS to send reps to CG for discussion on synergies with Infobutton

GELLO ballot reconciliation

Upcoming meeting preparation. Include review of DSTUs that require extension or proceeding to normative.

CDS and CQM on FHIR: Reconciliation with CDS hooks and GAO. Goal of a shared approach.

Data model: With CIMI. Prototype for CIMI model authoring tool and transformation to/from ADL representation of CIMI to FHIR profiles.

Wed Q3: Joint session with CQI, CQI hosting -- request separate room for GELLO ballot reconciliation



Data model

Wed Q4: Regular session, hosting CQI and CIMI

- CIMI may see if FHIR can send representation

- Discussion: CIMI-based data modeling

Thurs Q1: Regular session, potentially invite HSI for Guideline Appropriate Ordering ballot reconciliation

Also invited by O&O to join with PC and Templates

CDS on FHIR: Reconciliation with CDS hooks and GAO. Goal of a shared approach.

Data model: With CIMI. Prototype for CIMI model authoring tool and transformation to/from ADL representation of CIMI to FHIR profiles.

May ballot cycle planning

Thurs Q2: CQI hosts CDS and FHIR reps. Josh Mandel confirmed.

Proposed discussion:


Data model

Thurs Q3: CDS hosts CQI and FHIR reps

CDS on FHIR: Reconciliation with CDS hooks and GAO. Goal of a shared approach. Kevin Shekleton confirmed. Graham will join if possible. Someone knowledgeable with FHIRPath will join.

Data model: With CIMI. Prototype for CIMI model authoring tool and transformation to/from ADL representation of CIMI to FHIR profiles.

Thurs Q4: Regular session

Overflow discussion. Anticipate many may leave early.