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CDS WG Agenda 2015-10

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Tentative Clinical Decision Support Work Group Agenda Oct 2015 Work Group Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia

Primary CDS Work Group meeting will be from Wed and Thurs

Discussion Items pending allocation of time

Monday: no official meetings

Q4: CDS reps invited to join SOA for update on CDS-related service project updates

Tuesday: no official meetings

Q3: CDS reps invited to join Patient Care re: C-CDA and QRDA/QUICK harmonization

Wed Q1: Joint with SD and CQI, hosted by CQI

- Recommend/suggest:

Quality Measurement FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

IHE Decision Support PSS (Keith Boone)

Wed Q2: Regular session

Plan for upcoming expiring DSTUs

Draft 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory -- review and development of WG comments for HL7 HQ

Wed Q3: Joint session with CQI, CQI hosting

- Recommend/suggest:

Quality Measurement and CDS FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

Ballot planning for Jan 2016 (PSSs)

Wed Q4: Regular session

CDS FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

Ballot planning for Jan 2016 (PSSs)

Thurs Q1: Regular session

CDS FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

Thurs Q2: CQI hosts CDS and FHIR (Lloyd McKenzie) -- Georgia 3. Note not on meeting brochure but will meet.

- Recommend/suggest:

Quality Measurement and CDS FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

Ballot planning for Jan 2016 (PSSs)

Thurs Q3: CDS hosts CQI and FHIR (Lloyd McKenzie)

CDS FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

Thurs Q4: Regular session

CDS FHIR profile ballot reconciliation

Ballot planning for Jan 2016 (PSSs)